Chapter 9

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Amy's POV

I got up from my bed. I could hear my father snoring in the room next to mine. My back still ached like hell but I shook the pain away.

I looked at the clock. 4:00am. I had enough time to get ready and eat something before walking to school.

I grabbed my worn out jeans and put them on. I then put on a random T-shirt and my hoodie. After quickly brushing my teeth and fixing my hair I went to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge, there was nothing there aside some beer bottles and a couple of eggs. I sighed. I had bought food last week, my father had already eaten everything.

I would have to get some money to buy more or we wouldn't last the month. I shook my head and decided not to eat anything this morning. I hid the eggs in a small box inside the fridge. I had built the little box to hide food from my dad.

He was so stupid that he always thought that the small metal square inside the fridge was actually a part of it. I was happy for his stupidity though. I'd keep the eggs in case I couldn't get the money to buy more food.

Feeling my stomach growl I left the falling apart house and started my long journey towards my school.

As always the time went by painfully slowly. I walked for miles until I got to school. I entered the big building heading for the library. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was still 6:30, class would only start at 7:40. I still had more than an hour.

I sat on one of the big couches at the centre of the library, I didn't have to worry about people coming in. It was too early and I was probably the only student in school right now.

I sighed and picked up my phone. I looked at the small device with a frown on my face. What was I thinking when I got this? I barely had any money to buy food and here I was, spending money on a fucking cell phone.

Still, if I hadn't bought it Katherine wouldn't have been able to contact me... But then again, why did I care? She had always treated me like shit and all of the sudden she sent me that message. I didn't know what to think.

The first bell rang loudly taking me out of my trance. I got up quickly going to my first class. My heart beat fast, biology. I didn't know what to expect.
I walked inside the classroom, there was no one in sight. They usually just arrived right before the second bell. I took my seat at the front of the class. I took out my notebook and started writing. I had nothing else to do so I started to take notes of what I had learned in the previous class.

People started to come into class. I stayed down while the crowd settled in. I looked to my side startled when I heard someone sit beside me.

Katherine, the queen of the school, was sitting by my side. She looked at me and smiled brightly.

"Hey." She said and my eyes widened. Was she actually starting a conversation with me?

"Hi." I said half stuttering. I was in shock. And frankly her smile was making me a little slow. I knew she was beautiful but God, her smile made me feel... I don't know.

"So how was your weekend?" She asked. Was she making small talk?

"Uhm... Normal I guess." I answered. I wasn't about to tell her that I spent my weekend being beaten up by my father and working. What a miserable life.

"What about yours?" I asked back once I realized that it must have been rude not to.

"Boring, I'm actually happy that I'm here now." She smiled at me. I blushed and looked down. Her smile, really.

"That's nice." I said awkwardly and kept looking down.

"Since this is your first class after I've assigned your pairs I'll give you a free class so you can discuss your work." The teacher announced.

To my ultimate surprise I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I looked up startled and there was Katherine, again with her perfect smile looking at me.

"So, shall we get started on this?" She asked kindly and I just nodded not trusting my speaking abilities at the moment.

"Ok, so what should we do first? I really have no idea of what to do. Biology is not my strongest subject." She said chuckling a bit. I was lost for a few seconds.

"Umm... We should start by the basics, bones I guess." I said carefully. She nodded.

I then got my notebook and started listing the bones. I started with the cranium. Slowly I listed some bones, Ethmoid Bone, Frontal Bone, Occipital Bone, Parietal Bones, Sphenoid Bone, Temporal Bones.

"So, would it be something like this?" Katherine said getting my attention and showing me her notebook.

My mouth hung open when I saw it. It was a perfect drawing of a cranium.

"I tried to copy an image I found on Google." She said sheepishly showing me her IPhone with the image.

"Kate, this is perfect!" I said smiling. I then blushed profusely when I realized I had called her Kate.

She on the other hand smiled at me. I looked down trying to hide my face. God, what was she doing to me?

A/N: A small one I know, but I'm kind of having  writers  block lately. I'll work on that though lol.

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