Chapter 29

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Katherine's POV

I smiled brightly as I helped Amy out of the bathroom. The same small Asian nurse from before had one of her arms around her neck while I had the other around mine. Even though it had already been two weeks since Amy woke up she was still having some trouble walking, after all her musculature had gone downhill from the two months of being in a bed. Still I couldn't be happier that she was awake. All my doubts about my feelings for her faded in the exact moment I saw her eyes. I loved her, there was no doubt about that.

"So are you ready to go?" I asked her and she smiled faintly.

"Yes I can't wait to get out of this place." She said smiling a little bit more.

"Yes, you and me both." I answered holding onto her hips and bringing her closer. I noticed the doctor look away while I did it.

I paid no mind to her. Today I wasn't thinking about what the doctor thought of her or about the stupid bet. I just wanted to take her away from this place, just make her forget all the messed up shit that happened to her.

I looked at her. She was squinting her eyes while looking down and trying to take her steps. I smiled. She looked so cute. I know that from now own I was going to protect her from everything.

I guided her out of the room where Manuel was waiting with a wheelchair. He nodded and smiled when he saw Amy. He helped me put her down on the chair and we both wheeled her out.

"Gosh Amy you look awful!"
Manuel said looking down at her and she laughed.

"Thanks man! That makes me feel awesome!" She said still laughing and I shoved Manuel aside playfully.

"Don't listen to him Amy, you look beautiful." I said kissing her cheek. Manuel laughed.

"You know, she's your girlfriend. She has to say that." Manuel said.

"Shut up Manuel." Amy and me said at the same time. And we all burst into laugher.

"Ok, ok, fine." He said and we all went down the elevator laughing and cracking jokes. It had been so long since my chest felt that light. It felt good.

We took her through the hallways onto the parking lot.

"So, shall we go? Your room is ready, mom and dad are so excited to have you over." Manuel said picking Amy up. I stopped before he could put her in his truck though.

"Well, actually, I had something planned for this weekend." They both looked at me with a frown. I looked back at Amy hoping she would say yes.

"I don't know if this is such a good idea, she just woke up." Manuel said still holding Amy in his arms. I was still looking at her.

"Well, its only two days right? I'll be fine. Plus, what are cellphones for right?" She said looking up at him. He thought about it for a few seconds before putting her down on the wheelchair again.

"Ok, but if you need anything, or anything happens, anything at all. Call me ok?" He said to her and she smiled nodding and kissing his cheek.

"Don't worry, I will." Manuel looked at me before getting into his car. He didn't completely trust me. I couldn't blame him really, I wouldn't trust me either if I were in his place.

After he took off I wheeled Amy towards my car. She looked up at me with a side smile.

"So what is this special "something" you have planned?" She asked curious. I smirked.

"You know damn well that it is a surprise and I'm not telling until we get there." I answered and she pouted. God, could she be more cute? I kissed her pouty lips before helping her into my car.

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