Cards: Part Two

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AN- here's more of a fluffy part two to this one-shot. Hope you enjoy :)
*Weed* *Super long*
"Please don't go." Y/n begged Abby, kissing all over her neck and cheeks.
Abby held onto her waist and leaned into the kisses, smiling and giggling, her high still surging through her.
"I have to, I have patrol in the morning." Y/n placed a few kisses on Abby's lips as she spoke.
"Then stay the night here.." Y/n's hands had snaked under Abby's shirt once again, feeling at her back.
Abby's hand found Y/n's shoulders pushing her back, trying to look stern through her heavy eyes and smile, "I'll talk to you tomorrow."
The blonde kissed Y/n one last time and left the room, giggling. She turned to face the dark hall way and began to slowly walk through it, feeling like she was walking on clouds, her body felt weightless.
Before she went to her room, she snuck into the cafeteria, craving something sweet.
Luckily, the kitchen staff had whipped up some cookies, and some were left over from dinner. She hopped over the counter where she usually was served, and snuck back into the area where the magic happened.
Off in the corner sat the cooling racks, still housing many chocolate chip cookies. She jogged over and began to eat them like they were nothing, her stomach feeling like a bottomless pit, her hunger growing with each cookie.
She peaked up at the clock and felt her stomach flip, it was almost midnight and she had to be up early the next day. She stuffed some cookies into the pockets of her sweatpants and began her way back to her bunk, munching along the way.
Manny was nice enough to keep the door unlocked for her, and she shuffled in, snack in hand, grin on her face.
"Welcome back." He greeted, laying on his bed and flipping through a book.
Abby's reaction was delayed, "Hi."
Manny looked his friend up and down, a curious expression on his face, "What's that smell?"
Abby's face went pink, and she bit her lip, desperately trying to hide a laugh.
"Holy shit Abs, are you high?" His accent thick.
Abby erupted in laughter, a cookie or two falling from her pocket as she bent over and grabbed her stomach.
"I think I like you better this way, you always are so sad when you drink." He sat on the edge of his bed and watched his friend calm down from her giggles.
"Manny..." she bit into a cookie, "I feel so good. Who gets fucked by a hot girl and gets high in the same night? On top of that, these are really fucking good." She sat next to her friend on his bed.
His jaw nearly hit the floor at all of the information his friend had just presented him.
"You slept with her?!" He took one of the treats from her pocket.
"Yeah, it was awesome." She mindlessly stared in front of her, a smile still on her face.
"Go to bed, I'll tease you tomorrow."
"Okay." Abby giggled and shuffled over to her bed, flopping down and throwing the rest of the cookies onto the floor, untying her boots and falling asleep almost instantly.

Abby was deep in her slumber, getting one of the best nights of rest she might have ever gotten.
Then she felt tug at her ankle and a deep voice next to her ear.
Her eyes shot open and she sat up reaching out for whoever grabbed her. In the process, her head hit the metal at the top of her bunk and she groaned out in pain, grabbing her head.
"Good morning stoner." Manny chuckled, leaning against her bed post.
Abby finally reopened her eyes, feet on the ground. All around her feet were a mess of crumbs and old cookies, her boots tipped over and some distance away from her bed.
"Fuck." It finally hit her.
"We're leaving in a few minutes."
Manny walked off, and just before he left to room he turned to Abby, "She's serving breakfast."
She flipped off her friend as he shut the door and stood from her bed, rolling her shoulders and stretching.
Switching out her outfits, and adding some items to her back pack, she swept the cookies under her bed to clean up later and met Manny down in the cafeteria.
Abby almost halted in her tracks, her heart stopping and her face feeling exceptionally warm. But she pressed on, keeping her head low and trying her best not to may eye contact with too many people. As she shuffled through like to get her breakfast, her heart nearly beat through her chest, her breath getting caught in her throat.
"Hi." Y/n bit her lip, hiding a smile.
"Hey.." Abby found her confidence again, smirking as she took her food.
"What time will you be back?" Y/n wondered, her eyes not leaving Abby as she prepared the next ration.
"Mmm..maybe three? No promises." Abby stepped off to the side as she usually did.
"Meet me in the library before dinner, I have something for you."
"See you then." Abby winked at her and walked off, swinging her hips a bit more knowing Y/n's eyes were still on her.
Manny stood toward the exit with Jordan, both of them chuckling as Abby neared.
"I heard about your exciting evening." Jordan teased crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.
"Yeah, I bet it was more exciting than yours." Abby pushed pass her friends and through the door, walking down the hall, her ego exploding.

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