What We Once Had: Part Two

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AN: I wasn't planning on doing a part two, but honestly I fell in love with the concept as much as you guys did so ask and you shall receive. Also shameless self promo go check out my tumblr, my user name is the same (booppooo)!

Warnings: swearing, kissing, mentions of cheating, mentions of lesbian sex, some heated touchinnnn (lemme know if I missed anything!)

Word Count: 2699

Abby's POV:

What a joke.

Our escapade in the book shoppe was only a catalyst for the shit show waiting for us back at the base. I wanted to prove to her that I didn't want things to end, and what I said back at the aquarium was a heat of the moment blab. And I thought I had proven myself and restored our relationship to some degree, and I remember feeling in that moment so proud of myself (which also could've been my post-orgasm dopamine boost, but I digress). She held my face and stared into my eyes with such passion and admiration and whispered to me how much she missed me, which only seemed to seal the deal more. How could I have been so naive?

How did it not occur to me that during our time apart she had found someone else? I was a sitting duck for her, but she was handing out applications to fill my position. My chest tightens at the thought of how easily replaceable I was to her. Then it gets even tighter every time I think of how she ran into her arms the moment we got back to the stadium. It was like the second we crossed the gate I was an old memory again, and all the sweet nothings she hummed to me back in the book shoppe were my imagination. My original plan was to pull her off to the side and ask her to meet me in the library to talk things through - you know, figure out what this was or wasn't. But my chance had been crushed by Grace.
Grace tended to the cattle; sweet girl with a big smile and soft voice. She was pretty good at what she did and was near impossible to dislike let alone hate. So when I saw her cradling Y/n's head in a warm embrace and telling her how much she missed and loved her, it's easy to imagine how my feelings toward her were altered.
I began to wonder if Grace knew about Y/n and I, all of our nights of love making and pure bliss. Which begs the question will she ever know about what happened in the shoppe? How would things change if she did? Certainly I wouldn't be a home wrecker, I already served my time with Owen and Mel, but it almost feels wrong to see Grace so happy.

Manny quickly noticed my staring, "Still don't want to know what she said the other day?"

"Does it even make a difference?" Y/n kissed her.

"It might."

I sighed, looking at Manny's smug grin was easier than seeing Y/n, "What did she say?"

"She was talking to her novia. She said something like, 'Abby's just a friend.'"

I scoffed, "She wasn't a friend fifteen minutes ago."

Manny laughed, bumping my shoulder, "Ah I knew it! You two are not meant to be apart."

As much as I wanted Manny to be right in that moment, the sight of Grace and Y/n giggling and waking away hand in hand was a cold reminder that our time was finished. Whatever happened out there was one last quick fix, and now she was going cold turkey. It was time to face the facts and accept that my time with Y/n was done and that a new chapter needed to begin - but that's always easier said than done.
Later that evening I found myself lost in a book. If I could direct my attention toward the story in front of me, it would make getting over Y/n less difficult, at least for this sunset. After loving Y/n one last time, it was tempting to pick up that book I had scanned over, but I decided against it.
Off in his corner, Manny snored and rolled in his bed which I envied. Sleeping was better than a messy conscience or suppressing it with words on pages. The moon kindly offered me just enough light to read while the rest of the base dreamt. It was getting eerily late and the next morning at dawn I was off for another patrol, but my mind was restless.

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