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AN- Everything is chaos so here's a one-shot :)
"A burrito?"
"Yeah, I thought you liked those."
"I do, but..."
"But what?"
"I like you more."
You gave her shoulder a shove. She smiled, flashing her pearly whites and chuckling.
"That's a good thing!" She began to unwrap her food.
"It better be." You smirked.
The blanket was soft, creating a cozy barrier between you and the roof. Summertime was Abby's favorite season, which meant every second of it was to be cherished, mostly outside.
The sun was painting the sky a magnificent orange and purple, slowly hiding behind the horizon, a wispy breeze tickling your cheeks.
"Why are you so nice to me?" The question fell from your lips.
"What do you mean?" Her mouth full of burrito.
"You..." you pressed your lips together, setting your food in your lap, "You never...tease me. You don't joke with me the same way you do Manny or Owen."
Abby was quiet, her movement slowing to a stop, finishing her bite. You turned to her, watching as the soft wind made the hairs around her face dance. She watched the blanket before her, clearly deep in thought.
"I'm not-trying to sound mean. I'm just, ya know, curious."
She met your gaze, the pink on her cheeks contrasting her dark freckles.
"Do you have something in your life that you feel is worth protecting?" Where was this going?
"I mean, yeah sure."
Her eyes darted from each feature on your face, studying your movements and reading your body language.
"Uhm.." she looked away, the color becoming a deeper shade, "that's what I do with you."
You chuckled, "Are you afraid of hurting my feelings?"
If this had been what this was all about, you felt horrible you had given her that impression. Abby was one of your closest friends, and you didn't want her to think she had to walk on eggshells.
"No-well yes, but no." She met your gaze for a moment, only to look away and cover her face with her hands.
"Then what...what are you saying?" This was clearly difficult for her, you caressed her shoulder for support.
"I'm trying to protect you from..." she groaned, annoyed with herself, "I don't want to hurt you. I want-" she stopped herself, looking at the hand on her arm.
"It's okay Abby, you can tell me anything."

You couldn't look at her. You couldn't be near her. You couldn't hear her voice or smell her pine soap. It would only twist a knot in your stomach and make you want to throw up. She tried to talk to you, and every time you could feel your mouth go dry and you heart nearly beat out of your rib cage.
It was the desperation in her eyes, the way her shoulders tensed. The dark circles under her glorious green and blue orbs made you want to curl into a ball and cry.
"Y/n, say something to her. She won't eat or sleep." Manny had caught you in the library on an early morning.
"Manny, please.." you couldn't even look at him.
"What did you tell her? What did you do."
"Hell, she won't even read anymore."
"Stop!" A few stray people eyed you two down, slowly turning back to their own business.
Manny leaned closer to your ear, irritated, "Talk to her."
He walked off, staring down people as he left.
You held the book to your chest, lip quivering as tears streamed down your hot cheeks. The pain in your chest returned, and the words you said to her rang in your mind, the image of her face was all you could see every time you closed your eyes.

You stood at the doors of the cafeteria, watching through the small window, looking for her. She had her back turned, her braid falling in line with her spine. Her fists rested at her side as she bickered with someone, you saw the muscles in her shoulders flex. It was as quick as light; her fist left her side and decked the person in front of her, people jumping from their seats and grabbing her arms, pulling her away. You caught a glimpse of her face.
You had gone on patrols with her before, and never had you seen her this...enraged. Her hair slowly fell from its braid, hollering at this man. Bearing her teeth and fighting against her restraints, it only seemed her anger grew stronger.
The sight was intense, almost too much for you to handle. This had been your fault. That's what hurt the most. She had never been known for being violent against fellow WLF, for being miserable and intolerable. For the second time that day, you silently cried feeling as your heart broke in your own chest.
As she calmed, the men and woman around her stepped back. She shot one last comment at him, spitting at his feet. For a moment, her piercing gaze scanned be cafeteria, catching sight at you behind the doors.
You felt your muscles seize up, breath catching in your throat as you briefly made eye contact with her. She pushed through the crowd of people around her, running toward the doors.
Your fight or flight was triggered, and your body had picked flight. You sprinted down the halls, your only goal was to reach your room and close yourself off from her. You turned the corner to your hall, and came to a halt, tripping over your own feet. Just before you hit the floor, a pair of arms caught you, lifting you back up.
Her arms had gotten bigger, her cheekbones stuck out more, and the circles under her eyes looked like nasty bruises. Her beautiful blonde hair framing her face, the one thing you couldn't bare to look at.
Hands on your shoulders, panting heavily, she croaked out your name, her fingers digging into your shirt.
You pushed her arms away, trying to speed around her, but she was much quicker, she always was.
"Stop!" Her grip found your arms, holding onto you so you couldn't move.
"Say something!"
You couldn't. Nothing came to your mind. It felt like time stopped and all that was in your mind was a foggy road.
"Please..please say something." Her nails dug into you, pulling you closer.
"I-" You were completely at a loss for words being so overwhelmed by her presence, "I need time."
She scoffed, her hands dropping to her hips, "I haven't spoken to you in months."
Your mouth hung open in hopes anything would come out. Then it did, "I need time because I love you too."
"Do you mean that?" She snapped at you, jaw tight.
"Then...then why can't we be together?"
"Because Abby," you almost mirrored her from that fateful evening on the roof, "I don't know how to."
AN- Cheesy and cliche I know, but it'll keep you guys on your toes until part two ;)

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