Welcome Home: Part 3

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AN: tehe I love writing for you guys :) keep shooting me requests cuz I love it
Warnings: just some kissinnnn
Word Count: 1214
Second POV:
The next morning at breakfast Abby hung back with you to help with the dishes and clearing the table while Lev went and checked up on the garden. Last night still felt like a surreal, vivid dream, but once you saw the tint on Abby's cheeks as you sat beside her you were drawn back to reality. You worried the excitement of having the cat out of the bag would dissipate quickly, yet something about Abby reminded you boredom would never be an option. Maybe some years down the road you'll get sick of each other, bicker some and threaten to leave, but you knew the odd bond between you two was indescribable and powerful. For now, you'd bask in the thrill of your relationship (you guessed it would be fitting to call her your girlfriend), and take advantage of an extra set of hands.
"What did you want to do today?" you wondered, handing a dish to Abby to dry.
From the corner of your eye you caught a smirk, "I didn't really have a plan, just a few things I wanted to check off my to-do list."
"To-do list?"
"Yeah," she bit her lip to try and hide a smug grin.
"Well, is there anything I can help with?"
Since last night, you felt compelled to spend every waking moment with her, and be of service in any and every way you could.
"Hmm," she thought with her brows furrowed, "Well...there is one thing.."
Her tone was concerning, but for all the right reasons, "And that would be?"
She placed the plate in the cupboard and turned to you, leaning against the counter. Her silence left you on edge, not to mention her eyes scanning and observing each inch of you.
"I don't like what you're thinking," you commented on her mischievous grin.
She hummed and took a step closer, her arm snaking around your waist and gently pulling you closer.
"I think you'll change your mind," her voice like velvet.
You placed the dish back into the sink and gave her your full attention, apologizing and giggling realizing you had left wet hand prints on her chest. Both of you had come to a stand still and slowly processed the situation. You felt her warm hand sliding under your shirt and feeling like fire against your goosebump-ridden skin. Her eyes were dark with passion and her cheeks were softly flushed. The world surrounding you has fizzled away into nothingness because all you saw was the absolute masterpiece before you - Abby. With your blood pumping furiously and your breathing becoming erratic, you felt compelled to act on your urges.
Your hand rested on the nape of her neck, guiding her toward you. And like puzzle pieces your lips fit together, her hand feeling hotter on your body and your chest exploding with bliss. Your muscles melted into her hold as your lips moved in sync, dangerously stepping beyond you boundaries you didn't dare step over the previous evening. Everything she did was tender yet confident. She was your most prized possession and you owned her heart, so she didn't dare risk damaging you.
However, you couldn't help yourself as your fingers tangled into her hair and tugged. It released some of the exhilaration spewing from you but it only seemed to fuel her more. She swiped her tongue across your bottom lip and you gladly let her explore you; you were her's to explore after all.
The feeling of her nails softly dragging down your back made every hair on your body stand on end which expressed itself in the form of a soft moan into her lips. She released a soft groan of her own and gripped your hips, closing all space between the two of you.
It wasn't a surprise things had gotten heated so quickly, both of you were touch deprived and hopelessly in love with one another. But the gasp and squeak that came from the back door certainly proved you wrong.
"Oh-" Lev was awestruck.
Both of you shoved each other apart with an apologetic look before turning to a frozen Lev. Sure, he encouraged Abby to confess her love for you, but he certainly did not sign up for catching you two with your tongues down the others throat.
"Lev," you began, but all that followed was a nervous chuckle.
Your soul was curling into a ball and screaming at the top of its lungs. Awkward would be the understatement of the century. Mentally, you had run upstairs and hid under your covers, but physically, Abby had a tight grip on your hand and was just as speechless as you. In an attempt to be optimistic, at least she was holding your hand.
"So..." Lev cleared his throat, "you told her."
"Yeah. Yeah Lev I did." Abby's voice was laced with sarcasm. Was she upset?
"I'm sorry you had to see that." words, at last.
Lev shook his head, "It's okay."
Abby knew Lev far better than you did, but one thing was clear; he was a horrible liar.
"Did you, uh, need help with something?" Abby wondered.
Lev nodded, hands tucked behind his back politely. Abby said a soft okay and gave your hand a squeeze before stepping off with the boy. And you were left standing in the kitchen with the dishes half done, still sulking in the embarrassment and knowing this would be a memory Lev would cling to for the rest of his days. You couldn't do anything but sigh and busy yourself.
Both you and Abby didn't dare share another kiss or touch for the remainder of the day, though you longed for it. She was intoxicating and addictive and all you thought about was your next fix of her soft lips and burning touch.
So when the evening rolled around and you heard Abby close Lev's door, you were on your feet and out of your room. She seemingly had the same idea when you both nearly crashed into each other in the corridor, shushing each other's giggles. Neither of you wasted a second as your lips collided instantly and you began stumbling back to your bedroom to tangle yourselves into each other and the sheets.
As the heat between you began to build and your cravings for the other became more ravenous, you couldn't help but think back to the first day Abby had stepped into your life. You pushed against her chest and your eyes met.
"Remember the day you came in with Lev?" you asked breathlessly.
Of course she does, how could she forget it?
You laughed, "Remember how I asked you if you wanted water or tea?"
She nodded.
"I should've just said, 'Welcome home.'"
You both shared a chuckle, and you soaked up her genuine smile. It was just as beautiful as the time you first saw it, and now it made your heart skip like a rock against a stream. But before you could adore her anymore, she had you back in her arms and her lips back on yours.

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