Welcome Home: Part Two

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AN: Hi! Trying to keep updates consistent while editing this book and adjusting to my new work schedule (which blows btw). Anyhoo, send me requests and such, it keeps me motivated and excited to write! Also, should I add photos or gifs at the beginning?
Warnings: kissing
Word Count: 1546
Second POV:
The room was dark, but you knew her cheeks were red with suspense and humiliation.
I love you.
The words rang in your head, bouncing off each corner of your mind desperate to grasp their true impact.
"How do you mean?" you responded after some tense silence.
Her fists were still balled at her sides, "It means I love you," she scoffed nervously, "w-what else would it mean?"
"Do you love me like family or romantically?"
You could see the gears grinding behind her eyes. She was fighting with herself - maybe regretting ever admitting to you. Her fingers came up and pinched her bridge, eyes squeezing close. You were patient, even if it took all night you wanted this burden lifted from her shoulders.
She sighed, "I-I don't know."
"Yes you do."
A stray lock fell in front of her eyes as she glanced up. That small pony tail was so secure and yet her hair wasn't quite long enough to clear her view. You knew she didn't expect you to become so blunt, but tip-toeing around the truth would get you no where.
"You know the different between loving someone romantically and loving them because they're you're family."
"You don't know anything about me."
You knew she didn't mean any harm - it just surprised you. Neither one of you had risen their voice at one another, so the change in tone and volume made you jump.
"I'm sorry." she reached out to you, but you waved your hand reassuringly.
You tucked some hair behind your ear, gaze finding your lap and letting some of the heat in the room fizzle. This wasn't an easy to do; confess your love that is. Although you never approached confession like Abby (head on and strong like everything else she did), you always said 'I love you' a million other ways. You always thought of it as Wesley saying, "as you wish" in The Princess Bride.
So when you did Abby's dishes after dinner, or played her favorite movie, or laundered her clothes, that was your way of saying 'as you wish.' Pressing her to decide if she loved you romantically or not was you're only way of knowing if you had taken things out of context and spun them out of control in your mind.
She found a seat next to you on the bed, forearms resting on her knees, head hung low. You were tempted to reach over and caress her freckled arm, but decided against it. She wore the same tank top she had on the day she shuffled in, only this time the scars on her skin remained and the cuts in the material were mended with some thread. Her muscles had filled it out nicely, it no longer clung to her body with sweat and sea water.
She cleared her throat, reminding you she was more than something to admire from a distance.
"I mean..." you finally let your palm rest on her skin, feeling the tight muscle beneath it and the goosebumps rise, "uhm...you make me feel-" she groaned.
You didn't say anything, but you knew. You knew what she meant and how she loved you and your heart felt so incredibly full, so much so it almost exploded. But you wanted to hear her finish. You wouldn't steal this moment from her and complete her sentences, this was all her, and you were so proud.
"You make me feel better. I don't wake up afraid anymore. I can't wait to get downstairs and see you cooking. I'm not afraid to leave Lev alone because you're always keeping an eye on him. When you smile my chest gets tight and my cheeks get hot and when you laugh I can't help but laugh too. I don't know if it's because you saved our lives or if I actually love you but I know I owe you my life and I want to spend the rest of it with you."
You would've been just as proud if she had confessed to the floor but she mustered up the courage to look you in the eye. Although the moonlight barely seeped through the window you could spot every emotion in her eyes and feel the warmth of her smile that topped it off.
"What does Lev think?"
After all, if the plan was for you and Abby to settle, then Lev would settle too.
Abby chuckled, and a grin of your own tugged at your lips, "He thinks I should've told you a long time ago."
Of course he did.
Here you were, thoroughly convinced you were intolerable and unlovable, and the only solution being total isolation. But destiny has its own funny way of getting the job done. Even if you were blind you would still be able to see as plain as day this was meant to be.
The smile faded on Abby's cheeks and her vision retired back to the floor. You lightly gripped her arm and moved an inch closer, trying to catch what distressed her.
"What's wrong?"
She rubbed her eyes. You were both tired.
"I know you don't feel the same."
"You don't know anything about me."
It was cliche to use her own words against her, but it fit nicely.
"Oh yeah?" she sighed.
Actions speak louder than words. It only seemed natural to confirm this confusing feeling the only way you knew how, as childish as it was. If you were to be doing it for the rest of your life, you would hope it make your chest erupt with joy each time.
The hand on her arm now had her chin between your pointer and thumb, guiding her to meet your curious eyes. Your expression was calm and collected, confident even, but below your front you were an excited mess. Thankfully she was flowing with your movements and expressing what you had graciously been able to suppress. Her eyes flickered from your lips and back to your eyes, soaking in every moment and unsure of what to do with herself. She trusted you to make all the right moves and lead her every step of the way. Surely this wasn't her first kiss but it seemed more important than the ones she had before. And the only way you came to this conclusion wasn't because of her anxiety or wide eyes, but because she was the one to close the space rather eagerly.
You didn't know how long she had waited to do this, but what you did know is it did ignite a fire within your soul that made every hair on your body stand on end. The feeling of her soft lips against yours was almost a breath of fresh air after being submerged underwater. Your heart was thudding and banging against your ribs with such force you swore it almost broke from the jail your bones had created. To make it all that much more exhilarating, she melted into your connection and preserved each moment of it.
Her hand cupped your cheek, urging you closer to her while the other found your thigh for stability. You realized you had yet to close your eyes, so moonstruck by the moment you didn't want to miss a beat. But like her, you relaxed and your own touch began to explore her body. She tilted her head to the side to gain more access as this kiss soon escalated to much more.
You were making out like horny little kids. This discovery mixed with the already bubbling excitement inside you caused you to giggle. However, this prompted Abby to pull away, her hands hovering above your skin.
"What?" she asked, alarmed.
"Nothing, I'm just happy."
She smiled, "Oh."
Your finger traced the scar on her cheek, her eyes following its path. You weren't sure who she was or what she did before she stumbled upon your home, but all you knew was you had broken down this wall she had carefully constructed. It was years of pain and suffering that had gone into its making, and here you were, tearing down each brick to reveal something marvelous.
And what was even more marvelous was she stood beyond the wall, watching you work your way to her as if she had been waiting for you. Like you were the one meant to destroy this wall.
"I think it's time for bed Abby."
Her name rolled off your tongue so naturally, and the small glint in her eye assured you she loved it.
She nodded, her hands falling back into her lap. She bit her lip in attempt to hide a giddy smile, but everything else about her was beaming. With your hand on the small of her back you ushered her out of your bedroom, the innocent touch feeling warm and fuzzy inside of you. She looked over her shoulder one last time at you, shooting you a wink which earned a playful eye roll.
I love you too Abby.

𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙰𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚆𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗 Where stories live. Discover now