My crush on the footballer Christmas bonus

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Hi, I thought I'd post this here too, but My crush on the footballer will eventually have way more bonus chapters, some from Blair's POV and Addison as well as the usual Marcus and Kyle.

Marcus POV

"Dad! Dad! Wake up!"

I feel a weight on my chest as I gradually gaze up to see my son.

"Papa tell daddy he has to wake up now!" He complains in the sweetest voice.

"Marcus love. Wake up it's Christmas!" Kyle—my husband—practically shouts.

My eyelids feel heavy but I try to keep them open. Julian looks at me excitement etched on his face. His face is still plump with the most adorable smile. He starts bouncing on me making me exhale heavily.

"Okay, okay, I'm awake," I say then wrap my arms around my son. He's already grabbed his stocking from the end of his bed his anticipation radiating of of him.

Julian gets of of me and scoots to the end of the bed so he can gauge both Kyle and I's reactions to Father Christmas giving him presents. He opens them one by one frantically trying to tear the wrapping paper off. His ocean blue eyes staring at us with so much happiness it makes my heart ache. Being a Dad has really changed my outlook on everything, all the trivial things I used to obsess over like what people thought of me is gone. All I care about is looking after my son.

I look over at Kyle who is overjoyed at Julian's elation. Something tells me this will be a good Christmas.


Kyle and I are hosting this year. This is because Blair's parents are going away for Christmas so we're inviting Addison and Blair as well as Kyle's parents who we normally spend Christmas with. This year we're also joined by my younger brother.

Kyle is working away in the kitchen whilst I entertain Julian who keeps eyeing up the presents under the tree. Normally we don't make him wait but as Addison and Blair are coming over with their son we thought it'd be cute to see them opening their presents together. Addison and Blair are currently expecting their second child. Once again we had a bet to guess the sex of the baby and I was once again correct.

After my brother--Miles--came out as trans, I got to boast to my sister that I was right all along and she had to begrudgingly give me the ten pounds that we'd previously betted on for our brother. Of course it took me fifteen years to be able to find out that I was correct but it was worth it to be able to smugly chide my sister that I'm a genius as I was correct all along.


After a while I heard a knock at the door with the bell following suit. Weird must be my sister. As I got closer to the door I was more and more sure by her persistent ringing of the bell. Okay it's definitely Addison only she could be that annoying. I hear footsteps behind me and see Julian excitedly rushing towards me. I open the door quickly and Julian runs out engulfing Addison in a hug.

"Hey Addison," I say smiling, "Where's Blair?"

"Over here!" I hear a voice call out, "My lovely wife has left me to get everything out the car."

"Don't worry I'll help. Addison considering you're not the one pregnant could you please give me and your wife a hand?"

"What crawled up your ars--

"Addison!" I exclaim shielding Julian's ears from her crude remark. Rolling her eyes she went over to help Blair.

I took Julian's hand then walked over to Blair and Addison's car, "I'll take Harry and Julian inside if that's okay. Kyle can watch them wile we're getting ready."

"Yeah that's fine," Blair said helping Harry get out the car. We both talked about having children but didn't expect to have them in the same year. We'd told them that we'd picked a surrogate just after they'd chosen a donor and they just ended up falling in line for when they both got pregnant.

I took them to the kitchen for Kyle to look after who dropped what he was doing straight away to see Harry. It was not awkward between us all any more, it's even funny to think that Blair and Kyle dated considering they'd admitted that they felt more pressured to be together than anything.

Going back outside I help Blair and Addison with bringing gifts inside. There were so many it looked like they'd brought a whole store.


It was a while until Kyle's parents came over. Kyle was in the middle of taking the turkey out the oven so it was perfect timing. As soon as I opened the door Kyle's mum enveloped me in a hug. Letting go, Kyle's dad Dom smiles and greets me.

"Are they here?" I hear Kyle's angelic voice call. Before I can an answer he comes out the kitchen pushing his hair back.

"Hey mum, hey dad," he says engulfing them in a hug.

They talk a little until Kyle's mum practically bursts from excitement, "Now where's my little Grandson?!"

"He's in the lounge with Addison and Blair," Kyle responds with a smile, "Dinners going to be ready soon so don't be long!" Kyle calls as his mum rushes out the hallway.

I laugh as Kyle, Dom and I follow her into the lounge. As soon as we walk in we are instantly met with Kyle's mum obsessing over Julian and Harry.

"When's Miles going to be here?" Addison asks and as if by cue the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it, you need to finish preparing the food," I say looking at my husband with a grin.

"Okay," he says then gently kisses me on the cheek before leaving the room.

As I walk out the room I see Kyle's mum grinning at me like she did when we were teenagers. I guess some stuff never changes.

Miles enters the door way with a bag of presents in his hands.

Looking at them I say, "You know I told you you didn't have to."

"I know and trust me they're not great but Mum helped out a little," Miles replies blushing slightly, "Oh she said to say hello from her and dad--my dad."

As I was older when getting to know Martin we never really had anything in common. At lest he didn't mind me being bi and even helped my mum to come to terms with both Addison and I being attracted to the same gender. She was alright with Miles coming out as trans which was good because we couldn't imagine seeing him going through all that stuff that my biological father would've said. Turns out he was the main factor to her views, not that I'll ever fully forgive her for everything that happened but I don't mind her being in my life. My so called dad on the other hand, I haven't spoken to in fifteen years and couldn't be happier. Martin has had quite a few conversations with Kyle when we go over there and they get along well which makes my mum happy. As Miles is only fifteen it was hard to persuade mum to let him spend Christmas with Kyle and I but eventually she agreed.


After we had dinner it was time for presents, normally we don't wait until after dinner but as we are hosing this year that's just how timing turned out.

Kyle and I sit on the floor next to Julian who can hardly contain himself with excitement. The kids opened their presents first. I don't know who was more excited, Julian himself or Kyle's mum.


All the adults opened their presents, Blair got Addison a smoothie machine as a kind of joke to the time in secondary school when she poured it on her head. It was hilarious, Addison was shocked by the present but found it funny considering Blair had profusely apologized since. Kyle got me a book series I'd practically been begging for and I made him a scrap book that had our pictures in and things he'd told me with when it happened. Although I did skip the whole section of finding out my sister had been stalked by her (now) wife's sister. Miles gave us all chocolate with a different film for everyone which he thinks we'll enjoy.


Overall Christmas was fantastic and I couldn't be happier having my family around me. The highlight of my day was watching my son joyfully play with Harry, both of them surrounded by their presents with gleeful grins. I cuddle up to Kyle on the sofa, basking in this happiness. I'd never thought this would be possible but I'm finally fully happy. I never want this feeling to end.

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