Chapter twenty five-What are you doing here?

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I woke up feeling light instantly hit my face. My eyes peeled open to see Tess in my room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked my head feeling fuzzy from just waking up.

"I thought we could walk to school together," she replied grinning way too much for this early in the morning.

"So you woke me up?" I questioned incredulously.

"Look at the time," she replied. I looked over to my bedside table trying to make out the numbers that look like a blur. Shit. I have ten minutes until I have to be at school for registration.

I jumped up out of bed making me feel dizzy. Quickly I grabbed my clothes running into the bathroom. When I got ready I took an apple on the way out with Tess.

Blair is waiting for me outside, how could I forget I was going to walk to school with her?

"I'm so sorry," I apologised as soon as I got up to her.

"Why's Blair here? I didn't know you two were friends," Tess said in a questioning tone.

"Oh. Were not I'm just working on a project in Art with her," Blair replied calmly.

Tess gave me a knowing look one that stated 'I know you like her' and one that asked 'Are you two together?' Instead of answering her silent question I looked away, which seemed to answer more than I thought.

"I'm so happy for you guys, you make a cute couple."

Blair and I looked at each other worriedly.

"Oh come on it was obvious," Tess said embracing us it a tight hug.

"Okay. Okay. Let us go," I said chuckling finding it hard to breathe.


The walk to school wasn't as awkward as I'd expected it to be and surprisingly Blair and Tess got on quite well. As we all walked in a few people looked at us then moved their eyes to Blair. April is waiting by Tess's locker because they have their first lesson together.

"Hey, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," I say walking towards April.

"O-Oh. Yeah. I guess I have been a little...busy," April replied shifting her eyes quickly away from me to Tess and then Blair.

"What with?" I asked.

April didn't answer instead she decided to address Blair curtly "Hi Blair." 

"Hello," Blair said sounding awkward and uncomfortable.

Luckily the bell went off pretty quickly signalling for us to go to class. My first lesson is Maths which I wouldn't mind if I wasn't so bad at it.


The school day seemed to drag on forever but eventually, it came to an end. Today Blair and I are going to work on our project then watch some films together.


Once we were bored of doing our project we sat on Blair's sofa and watched some films.

We watched:
-Love, Simon
And The Amazing Spider-Man (I persuaded her because it's my favourite).

After the films, it was starting to get dark because we're now in winter. The rain is heavy and it's freezing because of the lovely British weather.

"I forgot a coat," I groaned stepping out onto the porch.

"Don't worry I have one that you can borrow; I'll go get it," Blair said then placed a light kiss on my cheek.

When she was gone I heard the ringing of my phone. Forgetting to look at the caller ID I picked it up.



Who is this?


I pulled my phone away from my ear seeing the number of my stalker. I'd managed to remember that number pretty quickly which is a bit ironic considering I can barely remember my own. Instantly my body went cold (colder because it's fucking freezing outside). My skin feels like there are tiny bugs crawling underneath it, going throughout my whole body.

"Are you okay?" Blair asked coming back to the door with two coats in her hands. I realised I hadn't hung up so I did quickly hoping Blair wouldn't notice.

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not, who was calling?" Blair asked not even trying to hide the concern in her voice.

"It's nothing," I lied.

"I know you're lying, please tell me what's wrong," she begged. Blair pulled me closer so her non-broken arm is around my waist.

"I just got a call from our stalker," I gave in telling her the truth.

"Did they say anything?" Blair asked trying to act confident even though her voice went high with dread.

"No that's the problem, they could be anyone!" I exclaimed worried and frustrated.

"Don't worry we'll find them," Blair replied running her hand through my hair comforting me.

"I hope so."


Blair walked me home, the rain wasn't as heavy as it was so I wasn't as soaked as I'd originally expected.


As I walked inside my room I saw my mum sitting on my bed with my diary in her hands.

"What's this?" She asked flicking through the pages.

At that moment it feels like my heart has actually stopped beating.


Hi, sorry this part is a little late. I hope you enjoyed. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon.


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