Chapter nineteen-Picture

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It's been a week since my other detention, currently I'm sitting at the dinner table eating my food. My parents are talking about the new baby and arguing about the cost. Suddenly I get a notification from my phone. A random number. Weird. I look at the text and open up the attachment curious of what it could be. As soon as it loaded I dropped my phone from shock.

"Addison are you okay?" Marcus asked speaking for the first time at dinner in weeks.

"N-no," my voice shuddered. I feel lightheaded and dizzy. From the corner of my eye I saw Marcus picking up my now slightly smashed phone with a look of horror cross his face.

"Who could've sent you this," he asked trying to stay calm.

"I-I don't know," I stuttered with a little to anger on my voice.

"What's happened?" My mother asked in her fake caring voice.

"Nothing," I practically spat before grabbing my phone and leaving the table.


I entered my room quickly and slammed the door.

Who could've sent this? Looking at my phone my stomach churns. The picture is of Blair and I kissing in the hallway, but the only other person there was Mr. Davis when he interrupted us. My mind is racing as I'm going through all the possibilities of someone knowing.

"Shit. Shit. Shit," I cussed quietly under my breath as I ran my hands through my hair. I started to pace whilst slamming down the buttons on my smashed keyboard to phone Blair.

Blair: Hello?

Addison: 'Hi-I. I need to talk to you,' my voice squeaked.

Blair: What's wrong? Are you okay?

Addison: 'I just...Please can I come over?'

Blair: Sure but my sisters in.

At that moment I just needed Blair so I shoved on my Vans trainers and ran out the house. The street is cold pinching my skin, instantly I regretted not grabbing a coat. The frost of near winter swarmed over me. Shivering I made my way up the steps to Blair's house. Knocking on the door I stood nervous and overwhelmed for the door to open.

"Hi, Blair's friend right?" Jessie appeared with her hair in a messy top-not and heavy eye makeup.

"Hey Jessie, yes I am," I replied trying to stay calm.

"Come on in she's in her room," she said brightly.

I followed her into the house which was quite large and very modern. This house looked too clean and perfect to have been lived in. There were lots of family photos on the walls and one I could just about see from the ajar living room door; that was neatly hung over the fireplace. Jessie gave me instructions on where Blair's room is. I thanked her then tried to decipher where she ment. I took my shoes of then walked up the staircase.


Seeing the first door I assumed that that was the bathroom Jessie was talking about so Blair's room should be the last door in this hallway.

The door looks like any normal plain door yet i'm still nervous about showing the picture to Blair, so I'm dreading to knock on the door that is looming over me. Taking a slow deep breath I knocked on the door. Straight away Blair opened the door with a look of panic across her face.

"Are you okay?" She asked already pulling me into a hug.

"I was okay until you started squeezing me," I joked trying to reassure her as Blair released my from the hug.

"No but seriously?" She said now with worry, no longer panic. The brown flecks in her green eyes seemed to grow bigger with concern. Blair pushed the door shut and held her hands in mine leading me to sit on her bed.

Not saying a word I took my phone out of my pocket and pulled up the text conversation. Up came the image of Blair and I kissing. Shaking slightly I turned my phone screen towards her. Blair's expression dropped her face turning a sheepish and white.

"Who do you think sent this?" she asked looking deeply into my eyes.

"I don't know. Do you maybe think it could've been one of your friends?" I questioned wearily.

"Yeah maybe...but I don't think anyone of them would've thought we are together," she replied thoughtfully, "Do you think you know anyone who could of done this?"

"No I don't think so," I said tears welling in my eyes.

"Hey, It's going to be okay," Blair said pulling me into a hug.

"How do you know? We're both not out yet what's going to happen?"

"I don't know, but what I do know is that we'll make it okay. Together," she said placing a soft kiss on my forehead. Even though the worry hasn't subsided I couldn't help but feel a warmth of butterflies every moment I'm with Blair. She makes everything seem better. We stayed like that for a while silent at first then some small talk. The only thing I'm sure about is that no matter what happens I'm happy I've got Blair.


Thank you so much if you've been reading this story so far. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter the next one should be up soon.


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