Chapter twenty-Where's Blair?

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I keep looking over my shoulder as I walk down the hallway, for any clue of who it could be. When I got home from Blair's house all night I was laying in bed thinking about who it could be. From my lack of sleep I now look like a zombie. I guess makeup could've fixed it but I really couldn't be bothered and didn't really care.

Suddenly someone grabs my shoulder and turns me around. When I saw who it was I sighed with relief. It's just Tess. A very bouncy and excited Tess. Her curls are like springs as she jumps up and down.

"Hi! I have," she exclaimed then whispered the next part like it was some big secret "gossip." The last bit did slightly intrigue me. Before she could say another word the bell rung to go to class.

"Tell me later, I'll see you at break?" I replied. She nodded in return and turned round to head to class.


I got into my first lesson which is Biology, normal Blair sit's next to me in this lesson but she doesn't appear to be here yet. Sitting down in my seat I focused on the door the whole lesson wondering if Blair hadn't arrived at school yet. Maybe she's just running late?


The next class passed by. Still no Blair. I'm trying to stay calm as I thought maybe she is skiving. Even though I knew she doesn't do that but I needed some sort of false hope.


At break time I didn't really care for Tess's gossip anyway although if I'd felt different today, I would've found it funny that Mr. Davis and Miss. Blackberry are supposedly dating. Miss Blackberry looks like she's nearly one hundred.


When she didn't show up for art I started to get really worried. We both enjoyed art a lot especially because we sit on the same table. In art we was doing drawings of different animals, looking at there factual structures and facts about their environmental issues and how we can help protect them. All the different artworks we looked at by a variety of artists was amazing and I know Blair would've loved it. 


The moment I started to panic was lunch. Everyone was acting normal which is so unfair considering I'm sitting here practically shaking by myself. Tess is in running lines for a drama with a friend called Noah. I looked around the canteen, Blair nor April were here.

But where were they?


The end of the day came painfully slow every bit of it laced with anxiety. Anxiety for Blair and for the photo. I didn't walk out of class. I ran. Every muscle in my body working harder and harder to be faster, to find and answer.

The crisp Autumn turning on winter air hit me like ice. My hair is going crazy in the wind but I couldn't care. All I cared about was Blair. I carried on running around the school grounds to see if there was any clue of Blair being somewhere.


Then I saw her. Laying on the floor covered in blood looking lifeless. I ran over to her. Her face had blood spread all over it. Shaking I took my phone out my pocket. Quickly dialling 999.

"H-hello?" I said feeling sick to my stomach with dread.

"Hello, 999 what's your emergency?" The phone asked.

"Ambulance. I need an ambulance."

"Where are you?"

I just about managed to say my school name and about where we are on the grounds.

"Okay Miss can you explain to me what's happened," A clam voice replied.

"M-my Girlfriend Blair she's covered in blood and I don't know if she's breathing."

"Can you check her pulse?"

"Okay, I'll try."

I reached down to here neck placing my index finger and my middle finger gently on her. Trying to find a sign of life.

"I think so, but I'm not sure," My voice came out frail.

"Okay, try to stay calm an ambulance will be with you soon-"

Then my phone went dead. Of course I have no charge.


Sorry this part is a bit shorter than usual. Thank you so much for reading so far.

As lots of people have been commenting just to clear things up 999 is the emergency number in the UK.


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