*Important* Note

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Hi, so I never thought I'd write this but I've recently found out that this story has been taken and published on another website. This has been without my permission or knowledge.

So, what does this mean? This story is still going to be on Wattpad but I'll no longer be uploading full stories. This doesn't mean I won't be uploading at all I just don't really know at the moment because this has never happened before. There is also an account on Goodreads that has put my story up saying it's by Rebeca Alice which is not me.

I know this story isn't particularly fantastic or anything but I wrote it a long time ago and spent the majority of one-two years on in. This was my first attempt at writing a 'book' which for an aspiring author is a big deal. Writing this really helped me and I don't want to take it down because of all the readers who have found some sort of joy from this little Wattpad story.

I don't really know how to feel right now, it sucks for one but also these characters that have been in my mind for years seem suddenly taken away.

Anyway I wanted to say thank you if you've read this and engaged in the comments/voted it really means a lot to me.

I'm sorry that this happened but I don't really know anything I can do. The website is in a different language and I have no way to get in contact.

So if you're here and have been reading thank you so much.

-Emily (aka WildcatData06)
(Might as well end with a cliche 😂)

P.S I'll still be writing My crush on the footballer because Marcus deserves to have that story finished.

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