Chapter 12 - Rhododendron

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As I treat Corvin for food at the convenience store, time flew by and it was already nighttime.

            I glanced over Corvin's table that was filled with tons of trash. was he that hungry?

            Corvin released a relaxed sigh as he stretched his arms.

            "I'm beat." He said, sinking more into the chair. "Just because you treated my food doesn't mean I owe you, okay? But..."

            He pauses before resuming his sentence. "Thank you."

            "N-no problem. Don't worry about it." I replied, fidgeting with an empty chip bag as I notice his brief soft expression.

            "Well, got to bail. This is a one-time thing, alright? Don't think that we're friends just because we talked." Corvin stated as he texted on his phone before walking away.

            I watched from behind the glass window as he exit the convenience store, a white sports car stopped in front of him and Corvin entered the car. The car soon drives away as it disappears into the dark.

            I hung my head and looked through my phone. No messages from Lev yet.

            I sigh and stayed for a little longer waiting for Lev as I messaged him: I'm at a convenience store by the same road from the Goyu Mao if you want to pick me up.

            I closed the phone and ripped open one of the snacks I bought a little earlier from the store.

            Some time passed and I feel a sudden nudge from my left arm. I turned in the direction of the nudge and a familiar face came to view.

            "Flavio! I didn't see you coming in." I spoke, slightly startled.

            "Didn't mean to scare you, why are you still here?" He asks as he sits down on the chair beside me. "I saw you sitting here earlier when I picked up Corvin. Because you were alone, I got a little worried so I came back to check up on you."

            "Oh, Lev was supposed to pick me up but he hasn't texted me back yet," I answered.

            "Hmm..." He puts his elbow on the table and rests his chin on his hand. "How about you stay over at my place for tonight? And tell Lev that he shouldn't keep you waiting long next time."

            "Are you sure? Is it okay? Y-you don't have to." I replied.

            "I insist, that asshole has kept you waiting long enough." He spoke as he stood up, gesturing me to follow him.

            Flavio and I exit the convenience store and a beep came to sound nearby as Flavio took out his keys. I look towards the sound of the beep and there it lies, the white sports car from earlier.

            As Flavio approached the car, I quickly followed behind and we both enter the car. Upon entering, I text Lev: Staying at a friend's. See you tomorrow. Shortly, Flavio starts to drive away, leaving the convenience store behind.

            Before I could succumb to motion sickness, Flavio comes to a stop and reversed his car into a garage inside a house. We finally arrived.

            I quickly left the car and inhaled the fresh air deeply. I sharply exhaled as Flavio locks the car followed by a beep.

            "Come in, you seem dizzy. We can have some tea inside." He offered as he approached the front door of the house.

            I followed behind and quickly entered the house as soon as Flavio unlocked the door.

            "You can lie down for a bit while I make some tea." Flavio points to a couch in the living room before entering his kitchen.

            I immediately plopped down to the couch and felt the soft covers brush against my skin. Before I could realize, my eyes had become heavier and heavier until my vision went dark.

            Not so long after I closed my eyes, I spot a tall grey figure in the middle of the darkness. It sneers and I jolt awake.

            I sat up, showered in a cold sweat as usual. I quickly scanned my surroundings. I  let out a quiet sigh. I'm still at Flavio's house. As I was looking around, I felt something soft brush against my arm briefly. I glanced towards the direction and it was Flavio's tail. He had fallen asleep near where my head had been.

            I couldn't help but stare at his tail for what had been seconds or minutes. Its fur was very thick and it was as white as snow. Having no self-control, I carefully and gently brushed it with my hand.

            Soon, I hear a small chuckle from Flavio.

            "S-sorry." He apologizes as he tries to contain his laughter.

            "H-have you been awake this whole time?" I asked, hastily pulling my hand away from his tail.

            "No, no, I was startled awake. Did you have a nightmare or something?" He wipes a tear from his eye as he asks.

            "S-sorry for waking you up. It's something like that." I answered, dropping my feet off the couch as I turn.

            "The tea's still warm, you can drink it if it makes you feel a little better." Flavio offers, pointing onto the cup of tea on the glass table in front of us.

            "T-thank you, can I have some milk too?" I asked.

            "Of course, it's in the fridge on the right side of the door," Flavio answers as he yawned.

            I nod and walked over to the fridge with the tea in my hand. I opened the fridge, grabbing the milk carton, and gently pouring the milk into the tea. As I looked up, I spot a door at the end of the hallway that was slightly open, revealing an orange light shining through from the candles inside. an odd piece of paper with mysterious writing was also put on the door. I gently put down the milk carton.

            "Flavio? What's that room at the end of the hallway?" I asked.

            "Huh? Oh, don't go in there. You can make yourself at home but you can't go in there." Flavio answered sternly.

            "What? Why?" I asked again, curious about the contents in the room.

            "You definitely have heard of the saying; Curiosity killed the cat, right?" Flavio turns his head towards me, his arm resting on the back of the couch.

            Noticing him acting serious, I quietly nod and brought my tea back to the living room. I sat back down on the couch right beside Flavio and carefully sipped the tea. As I was sipping the tea, I can feel Flavio staring intently at me.

            "W-what?" I asked, facing Flavio and putting back the tea onto the table.

            "You're not going inside, right? Promise me you won't." He spoke.

            "I won't! Geez..." I answered as I looked away from Flavio.

            "Good, I'll be setting up our beds inside my room for a bit, can't let you sleep on the couch and I can't sleep on the couch either since mosquitoes exist." He sighs and stood up. "You can finish your tea as you wait, I'll call you in once I'm done."

            Flavio then disappears into a room next to the forbidden room and I was left in the dimly lit living room alone.

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