Chapter 23 - To Fight For

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POV: Lev Durand

        "What's the matter, Lev? You haven't touched your meal." Vie asked.

        "I," I paused. "I'm not hungry."

        "You used to love eating, what happened? I said I was sorry." She leaned towards the table and pouted as she rests her chin on the tabletop.

        "It's got nothing to do with you, don't worry about it," I replied as take a small sip of the chamomile tea in front of me.

        Vie stares at me silently for a moment before speaking again. "You weren't like this when we last met. I'm serious, what happened? What's on your mind?"

        "Nothing that Father's proud of, I can say that much," I answered blatantly.

        "It breaks my heart seeing you like this, Lev." She replies as she droops onto the table.

        "Like you ever cared about me in the first place." "I was busy! My mom didn't let me write to anybody as long as I was there, you know how she is!" Vie argues, throwing herself onto the back of the seat and crossing her arms.

        I halted for a few moments, creating uncomfortable silence between us as other customers stare at us as they pass.

        "Fine, I'll tell you if you'll stop making a fuss about it. Why did you choose the most crowded place of all places?" I spoke.

        "Oh, c'mon! I haven't been here for like, twelve years? We were six when we last met remember? I wanted to see how it's like now." She responded.

        "That's a lame excuse but I'll let it go. So, you want to know what's on my mind, huh?" I asked.

        "Of course I do! It bothers me to see you like this, sad, emotionless, zoning out," She replied.

        "Well, what if we go to some other places first? Like the Baile en Ceau?" I offered.

        "Only if you promise to tell me and not trying to distract me then sure." She agreed, jumping off her seat.

        "Fine, let's go," I spoke as I walk towards the exit of the mall.

—  I just have to make sure of something before I do anything rash.


POV: Cole Celestin

        Then, Xue and I finally arrive in front of Flavio's doorstep, Xue's clothes had almost dried up from the trip and my eyes were still puffy.

        Before we get to knock, suddenly — clack! — The door swung inwards and we were greeted warmly by Flavio.

        "Ah, Xue, Cole! What brings you here?" Flavio asked as he gestures to us to go inside.

        "We met on accident by the streets so I thought we could pay you a visit." Xue smiles but Flavio's expression struck the suspicion in me, he was smiling but his eyebrows said otherwise.

        "Are you guys hungry by chance?" Flavio asked.

        "I'm full but what about you, Cole?" Xue turns to me.

        "I'm alright, thank you," I answered.

        Xue stretches up towards the ceiling and lets out a small yawn. "Woo! I'm beat, I'll hit the sack for a bit. You two should start chatting until I wake up, alright?"

        Xue only rushes to go inside the red door and disappears while Flavio and I awkwardly stand in the living room.

—  Wait, wasn't the red room off-limits? How can he enter but I can't?

        "So, want anything to drink?" Flavio offers.

        "Probably milk," I answered.

        Flavio nods and walked towards the kitchen while I sit on the living room couch.

        Soon, Flavio returns with two tall glasses of milk in hand and gently puts them down on the glass table in front of me.

        "You're going to ask about the red door weren't you?" Flavio asked as he plops down onto the couch, sitting beside me.

        "Well, if you didn't want to tell me it's fine, I won't try to be the nosy type," I answered.

        "I mean, Xue took you here himself and I don't know if that was rational of him to do so." Flavio groans, rubbing his forehead.

        Silence fell between us for a moment until I spoke up.

        "So, are you guys... dating? Is that what it is?" I asked curiously.

        "Oh, by the names of Hei, no!" Flavio refuses. "Xue will tell you himself, probably."

        "But for now, I guess it's best we put this aside and save it for some other time."Flavio continues.


POV: Corvin Marley

        I let out a relieved sigh as I finally finish my last gig for tonight.

        "You did great, Marley. The guests absolutely loved you! Are you free again for next week?" The bar manager asked.

        "I'll see what I have for next week, I'll contact you when I can," I answered.

        "Alright then, as expected, can't imagine how many requests you've gotten from other bars as well," The manager laughed. "Here's your pay."

        The manager hands me an average-sized envelope in my hand, it's not too thin, not too thick as per the agreement.

        "Thank you so much, sir," I responded.

        "No, I should be the one being thankful, you don't know how many people came here since you started playing for us!" The manager wore a huge smile on his face.

        "I'm glad the bar is doing well then, I'll be heading out, thank you for having me," I spoke as I walked out the backdoor into an alleyway.

        As I hid behind a trash bin, I carefully open the envelope to see its contents.

—  A hundred thousand veis.

I sigh softly and store the envelope safely inside my bag. At least it's enough to help mom and dad.

As I walked out the alleyway, I accidentally bump into a gang of three people who soon surrounded me. Why now? Why here? I'm too tired for this.

"I'm sorry," I apologized as I attempt to escape through the gaps.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, you think a simple sorry could suffice for you damaging my new Celeon sweater?" One of the guys spoke.

I glanced towards the totally undamaged sweater and rolled my eyes. It's probably fake anyway.

"Hey, how about you pay for the damage? Let's see, how about six hundred and seventy thousand veis?" The thug asked.

I briefly looked around and surveyed the empty streets. No one will recognize me here, will they?

I quickly tripped their feet and made a run for it. I hastily ran as fast as I could to get out of the area and to get back home. I can't risk letting them catch me and seeing mom and dad's faces when they see me at the station again.

LacunaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora