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I'm going to explain the timeline the best I can. I hope it makes sense, It was kinda difficult to find a good spot that made sense without changing some major things so, I'm sorry if it's a bit wack, I promise it will all work out and make sense in the end!

So this story occurs before Infinity War and Endgame. It's relatively around the end of Thor: Ragnarok. Of course, Thanos and The Black Order did not attack Thor and Lokis ship (this will happen later in this story) and Thor and Loki didnt lose half of their people. My idea is that, they decided not to take the Asgardian people to earth, but left Korg in charge of finding a new home planet for them, so far unsuccessfully (we love Korg tho, hes trying his best lol). Both Thor and Loki then returned to earth, to notify the Avengers and hopefully get an idea of what to do about the entire planet of people, who need somewhere to go. This will explain why Loki is with the Avengers, but not a part of them. My idea is that basically, since Loki helped fight Hela, and save (well, destroy) their planet, Thor used that to show everyone that Loki can be good. However, no one knows yet that Loki has the tesseract (bc hes a sneaky boi). He doesnt want them to think of him as a villain anymore and is not very proud of his past (hence his reaction to both you and Tony being mean to him). So, instead of returning the tesseract, and risking his already shaky relationship with the Avengers, he just kinda keeps it to himself (because that's the best option, in his mind).

Also, civil war didnt happen, everyone is all buddies, the tension is more between Loki and Tony (bc Tony was obv traumatized by New York and still blames Loki for it, despite Thors attempts). They also figured out that Loki was under someone's control during that, but not who (honestly, I'm surprised they didnt in the mcu movies, it should've been obvious that the mind stone would control its user as well as others but whatever...). Tony still hates Loki, despite this because he, once again, was severely traumatized by it all and seeing the face of the person who traumatized him isnt really the most amazing thing, even though it wasn't Lokis fault. (Honestly, the Avengers just need to all see a therapist bc the amount of  unaddressed trauma is ASTRONOMICAL )

Here's the fun part, it's about you! [Also, lmk if you want me to change the pronouns to be gender neutral, I want to be sure everyone can enjoy my writing! <3]  So, Nick Fury had found you (how he did will be revealed later) and brought it upon himself to bring you to the Avengers. He really hyped you up to them, and thinks you will be a really good addition because of your powers (and obviously hes right).

Speaking of powers, here's the ones that were revealed in the first chapeters:

•Matter Manipulation
(In the story, I call the matter that you form energy/mass bc it's more grammatically correct and sounds better)
- you are able to control, concentrate and transform any kind of Matter (molecules/atoms/etc), including dark matter, which is super powerful and very hard to control (which is why Fury wanted you to join the Avengers)
-you were born with these powers, the origin and reason is unknown, you're basically the Elsa of Dark Matter.
-you can also enact forces on this matter. For example, you can charge it with kinetic energy to give it extra power

- not technically a "power", more of a skill
- you're super quick to react and you can sense the smallest changes (this is why you were able to stop Loki from giving you a knuckle sandwich)
-the origin of this will be revealed later on

Psychological Preception
-this is what explains the "hallucinations" from the first part.
- I'm not going to reveal exactly what these are just yet, but, its important to know that you cant really control these, they come and go randomly and  tend to not have a very  pleasant outcome when they surface
-once again, these came along with the Matter Manipulation, you were born with these powers, well, you consider them a curse.


Also, since I've got your attention, Hi, I'm 3rinisasimp!

(And may I just say, AWOOGA! you are looking like a FULL COURSE MEAL today!)

My favorite MCU character is Loki. My favorite movie is probably Thor: Dark World or Thor: Ragnarok (honestly, I love all the MCU movies equally, these are just a but higher up bc, well ✨loki✨)

The MCU death that genuinely makes me cry everytime is [SPOILERS] Yondu-I mean Mary Poppins.

I also am a firm believer that LOKI IS NOT DEAD. I can talk for hours about it but, I'll spare you the rant lol.

***if you want, I have a Loki playlist on spotify!

it's called:     Loki simping...see what I did there ;)    

And my user is: straight_up_simp

Check it out if u want! <3 I listen to it when I'm writing and doing schoolwork lmao

I hope you all like this story! Always remember:

In the end, you will always kneel.

Also, Odin is a terf.


Me at 3am, realizing my timeline makes sense and actually fits with the story

Me at 3am, realizing my timeline makes sense and actually fits with the story

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(Sleep deprivation no longer fazes me)

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