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The petite 18-year-old girl strode down the dimly lit hallway, her sneakers padded against the concrete floor while soft thudding sounds resonated across the place as she took each step

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The petite 18-year-old girl strode down the dimly lit hallway, her sneakers padded against the concrete floor while soft thudding sounds resonated across the place as she took each step.

The lights flickered slightly with every step she took, but she paid no mind to them as the only thing she could think of at that very moment was Eunhyuk.

A frown tugged across Yujin's lips while she scrambled her mind to think of when and how could she bring it up to Eunhyuk and talk to him about what just happened.

To be the one who will speak to him first, frankly speaking, hurts Yujin's ego. Till this very moment, she still thought that Eunhyuk was the one at fault.

Sure, she carried some sort of responsibility considering how she raised her voice and said some pretty hurtful things to him during the fight.

However, Yujin persisted that it was Eunhyuk who started it by suddenly throwing a tantrum about Hyunsoo.

Her frown quickly turned into a full-on scowl as her mind pondered more and more on the unpleasant incident, but she hurriedly wiped it off her face.

Shutting her eyelids, she took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down. Truth be told, the girl knew that there was no point in getting irritated all over again, what's done was done. Eunhyuk and Yujin fought with each other and there's nothing they could do about it now other than to speak and make amends.

Despite the anger she was experiencing, Yujin was certain for one thing, which was that she didn't want to fight with Eunhyuk anymore. The feeling of anger and disappointment sitting in the pit of her stomach was killing her.

It physically pained her to be mad at her friend that she cared so much for and the only way to make that dreadful feeling go away was to talk things out with him.

Especially since the world is literally on the verge of ending right now, Yujin didn't want the last thing she'd said to Eunhyuk to be hurtful insults she threw at him at the heat of the moment, just in case anything bad happens.

When Yujin entered the daycare center, she halted her footsteps and she could've sworn that her heart almost leaped out of her chest when a familiar figure appeared in her peripheral vision.

There he was, Eunhyuk.

He was sitting on the floor with his back leaning against the brightly colored wall, a look of distress evident on his face as his brows remained furrowed.

Yujin kept her gaze on the boy while his eyes fluttered close, slowly throwing his head back, his raven-colored hair scattering messily across his forehead.

Her eyes darted across the room frantically, she wanted to run out of the room at that very instant but somehow it felt like her feet were glued on tight to the floor. 

The girl panicked, she didn't know what to do. Just moments ago, she had promised herself that she would talk to Eunhyuk about the argument they had and clear up any misunderstandings. However, now that Eunhyuk was right in front of her, she wanted nothing more than to run away and hide in a hole forever.

No freaking way, I can't do this... Yujin thought to herself and prepared to turn on her heels to leave the room.

It really seemed like luck was on her side because right when she was about to turn and head towards the door, Eunhyuk's eyes fluttered open and before Yujin could make a run for it, he had already caught sight of her.

"Shit," she mumbled, making sure to be quiet enough so that the boy just meters away from her wouldn't hear it.

Eunhyuk's dark brown orbs opened wide in surprise and recognition, obviously shocked to see Yujin here. He blinked a couple times, his mouth was slightly ajar but no words ever came out, he looked as if he was startled by her sudden presence.

"E- Eunhyuk," the nervous girl stuttered out, fumbling with her fingers slightly as the name slipped out of her mouth.

"Yujin... hey," he responded after a breath of silence. As he glanced up at her, his eyes remained emotionless, not an ounce of emotion breaking through. He looked almost as if he was angry. Or was he annoyed? Maybe displeased?

An uncomfortable quietness settled inside the room, making Yujin cringe as she stood in place. If there was one thing in this world that she hated the most, it would have to be awkward silence.

Before the fight happened, there was never any sort of awkwardness between them whenever they were together. Even when the two of them kept quiet, the silence was always calm and peaceful, but never awkward.

Feeling the change in atmosphere between the two, a feeling of bitterness crept across the young girl's heart. She nibbled at her lips nervously and couldn't help but wonder if things would ever get back to how they were before.

Yujin forced a small smile before bending down to sit on the floor, taking the spot right next to him.

As she sat down, she noticed a tiny white notebook, perhaps a diary of some sort that was placed in between his hands. On the cover of the book were the three letters L.E.H, the initials of Eunhyuk.

Curiosity filled the girl's mind but before she could say anything about the white bundle of paper, Eunhyuk tucked the book away and hid it from the girl.

Yujin decided to drop it after seeing his reaction, but she couldn't help but wonder what that book was.

Eunhyuk cleared his throat awkwardly and began clapping his hands together while looking around the room. Yujin had to bite down on her lips with all her strength in order to contain the giggle that was trying so hard to break through after witnessing the boy's actions. Even when they had just fought, Yujin couldn't help but think about how adorable he was.

Eunhyuk turned his face and looked at Yujin with a strangled expression, she finally managed to push the giggle down and returned his gaze. After a moment of silence, "Look, I'm really sorry for the things I've said earlier. I was being such a dick and there was absolutely no excuse for my behavior." he started, startling the girl next to her with his sudden words.

"I just want you to know that I care so deeply about you. I know- we've only known each other for a very short period of time but you've become so important to me that I was just... afraid to lose you."

Yujin's eyes widened after hearing his words, her mouth falling slightly agape. It almost felt like her brain had short-circuited and was not functioning properly.

Eunhyuk stopped speaking for a moment but with Yujin's lack of response, he continued on, "It was wrong of me to lash out at you for wanting to check up on Cha Hyunsoo and I really, really hope that you can forgive me."

She kept quiet, still unsure of what to say to him. All of this was so new to her, and she didn't know how she was supposed to react.

After hearing no words from Yujin, a deep sigh escaped Eunhyuk's lips as he mumbled, "God, I'm so sorry." His head hung low while his hands reached up and rubbed at his face.

Yujin leaned forward to look at the boy, wanting to open her mouth and tell him that he was forgiven but was utterly shocked to see his glistening eyes, tears threatening to escape.

Was Eunhyuk crying?

/author's note/

more of a filler chapter but i hope you all enjoyed it!

i apologize for the long wait, everyone! It has been one hell of a few months and i'm legit so tired of life... 

i know i haven't updated for a long time but hopefully there are still people reading this story lol~

stay safe and stay healthy! have a great day <3

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