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Yoonjae chewed on his bust-up lips anxiously, tasting the metallic tinge of his blood as he tried to come up with a plan, an escape route even. The sudden disappearance of his house keys meant that Sangwook had already taken his keys, entered his photo-developing room, and discovered all of the dirty evidence and the unspeakable things he has done over the years.

This could only mean one thing - Sangwook now knew of his monstrous acts towards the kindergarten's toddlers. There was no doubt that Sangwook was coming for him, Yoonjae knew that deep in his gut no matter how much he tried to deny it, and with the building completely blocked off, he had nowhere to run.

Yoonjae stumbled his way to the restroom, dragging his beaten-up body to one of the stalls before his fumbling hands reached for the toilet's water tank. Searching through the muddy water frantically, he finally found what he was looking for - a mallet.

Yoonjae grabbed onto the mallet as if his life depended on it, his grip tightening until his knuckles turned white. His shoulders heaved up and down from the lungfuls of air he took, glowering at the thought of what had happened several nights ago - when Sangwook duct-taped his entire body and tossed a cigarette butt inside his mouth. The taste of tobacco and burnt ashes still lingered on his tongue, and Yoonjae swore that he would teach him a lesson for sticking his nose into other people's business, for acting like a heroic vigilante about things that didn't concern him.

On the other side of the building, Sangwook had stormed down the stairs, his mind completely clouded with pure rage as he kicked down the plastic crates that were blocking off the stairway. Each of his footsteps was heavy, and Yujin trailed closely behind him with a fearful glint in her eyes.

"Hey," Jaeheon called out to the fuming man, but Sangwook ignored him and walked off with a deep scowl on his face. He didn't have time for pointless chitchatting, he had business to take care of. The blood in his veins was boiling as his mind drifted back to the disturbing pictures he had just seen, hanging on the ceiling like fucking Christmas lights or trophies he was proud to be collecting. 

Sangwook was well aware that he was no good man, having committed several felonies and going into prison before starting his career as a hitman. But hurting the innocent, especially children, was something he would never do - not even if he was offered a billion dollars. That sick-in-the-head pedophile was gonna pay, and he was going to kill that son of a bitch if it was the last thing he do.

"What's going on?" Jaeheon turned to ask the girl following behind him, not liking the look he saw on Sangwook's face. A distressed frown tugged at her lips, her eyebrows pinched together in worry while she shook her head. "I don't know," she breathed out a sigh, unable to hide the fear in her voice.

The two exchanged concerned glances, leaving Jaeheon feeling as confused as ever until his line of sight landed on the flip phone dropped on the ground. He reluctantly bent down and picked it up, contemplating for a second before deciding to read the text on the screen. The feeling of realization slowly dawned on him, his facial expression growing grim as he began to get a faint hint about what was happening.

Sangwook stormed down a dimly-lit corridor, his nostrils flared and his dark gaze burning with rage, looking left and right in an attempt to search for the sick-minded pedophile. Failing to hear the faint footsteps looming in the shadows, a dark figure suddenly appeared out of the corner and the mallet in his hand smashed right onto Sangwook's head.

Without wasting a second, the figure aimed straight at his head and took another swing at him. Sangwook stumbled forward from the impact on his skull, slamming into the metal shutters in front of him while he hissed in pain. Right as Yoonjae raised his arm to swing again, Sangwook turned and grabbed onto the mallet, successfully blocking his attack as he tried tugging the hammer away.

Blood from his fresh wound trickled down his forehead, the red liquid stinging his eyes and turning his vision red. "Argh—" Yoonjae mustered up all the strength within him and tried pulling the weapon out of Sangwook's grasp, but his strength was no match to the older male.

Sangwook stared straight into his eyes, his lips slowly pulling up into a deadly smirk when he sensed Yoonjae's fear. He was afraid of him, afraid of the things he would do to him now that his ambush plan had failed. There was a fearful glint in his eyes while he desperately tried to retrieve his mallet, a look that Sangwook has seen way too many times on his previous "victims". 

They were all the same. Committing unforgivable crimes, thinking that they had won when they managed to escape the justice system, and then apologizing and begging for their lives when he came to avenge those they have harmed. And when he slices their jugulars with a knife, feeling their lives slowly slip away into an abyss of darkness while blood pools in their mouths and soaks through their clothes, they will come to the painful realization that no amount of apologies can take back what they have done. 

Punish evil with evil, a motto he has always lived by ever since he lost his father in an arson fire, so that's exactly what he was going to do.

Sangwook effortlessly yanked the mallet out of Yoonjae's hand and grabbed the bloodstained collar of his shirt before swinging him right into the wall of bricks. The bricks tumbled down in a loud crash followed by Yoonjae's pained groans, and he hurriedly rushed to his feet to get away from the other man. Sangwook stalked after him, the dizziness after taking two strikes in the head was starting to get to him, causing his steps to grow wobbly and unsteady.

Yoonjae stumbled down the corridor, coming face to face with a startled Yujin before grabbing onto her shoulders to shout, "He's a murderer!" The girl shoved the man away immediately, remembering the pictures she had seen not long ago as a nauseating feeling crashed over her like a tidal wave. "Get away from me, you fucking pedophile," she glowered at him, her raised voice catching the attention of the other residents near them.

"This man's a murderer! Help me, please!" he pleaded to the people gathered around them, yet nobody dared to go near him, not after hearing what Yujin had just called him. It didn't take long before Sangwook caught up with him, using the mallet in his hand to strike his leg. Yoonjae fell to the ground with a loud cry, his heart hammering against his chest when he turned around to see the man right behind him.

Under the dark shadows of the poorly-lit corridor, Sangwook almost looked like the grim reaper that haunted people's dreams. His knees felt weak when he knelt on the ground, staring at Yoonjae's bloodied face and those hollow eyes that held no remorse. That's when he remembered his father's killer, a young man who had committed arson as a playful little prank - one that had caused the life of his dad. 

Everything was still seared into his mind as if the trial had just happened yesterday. His wicked smile when the judge announced that he was only sentenced to 11 months in prison, the cheers of his friends that erupted from the courtroom gallery, and the merciless words that came out of the judge's mouth when he said that there wasn't any evidence to prove that it was intentional.

"You shouldn't die peacefully," Sangwook exhaled shakily as he smashed the mallet against his face. "You don't deserve a humane death," he whispers before delivering another hit right on his cheeks. Perhaps he was just as sick as Yoonjae for enjoying the squelching sound of his face being smashed, for enjoying watching the blood spew from his wound each time he took a hit.

But it didn't matter anymore, what mattered was that he could take revenge. Punish evil with evil, and make him pay for the things he had done. "You do not deserve to live," he seethed through gritted teeth while raising the mallet above his head, and he slammed the metal on his head one last time. He watched him take his final breath, his body going limp and his eyes becoming lifeless, paying for his crimes with his life.

Justice may not prevail under the system, but karma will always come hit them back - even if it's in the form of a certain hitman named Pyeon Sangwook

/author's note/

hey besties, did you miss me ;)

probs nobody is even reading this right now, but if you are, thank you for reading!

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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