Part 5

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We moved our girls night over to the living room in the company of another bottle of wine, the both of us pretty tipsy by this point.

"So tell me Lena, what's going on with Sebastian?" Lizzie asks and wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

"Nothing is going on. We talk kind of a lot and we're friends." I take a sip after responding.

"Oh come on, the internet is gushing all over you two."

"Yeah I saw the articles. It's fucked up though, we haven't even met in person and the press is planning our wedding."

"Can I be the maid of honor?" she smirks.

I almost choke on my wine and throw a pillow in her face immediately.

"Elizabeth Chase Olsen!" I gasp dramatically "Do not encourage me on that behavior."

"Why not? What's there to lose?"

" I don't know, my sanity maybe. I don't do relationships Liz, especially not with ridiculously hot actors in their thirties."

"You just admitted he's hot though." she points out in confusion.

"Duh, of course he is. Everyone with a set of eyes would tell you that. But I mean, have you seen that man? I'd jump his bones without a second thought." I ramble.

"You really have a weird way of thinking Alena." she laughs "I'm so glad we got in touch. This friendship was very much needed."

"Cheers to that my friend." I reply and hold my glass out to her.

"We're so repeating this on my birthday next week. Please tell me you'll come, everyone will be there. You can meet them all."

"Sure, if you want me there. It sounds fun and I haven't partied properly in a while anyways."

"We have to dress to impress though, us girls need to show who's boss."  she chuckles.

"You don't have to tell me twice." I respond as she gives me a high-five.

"Now we have that sorted out, get your ass over to the closet and show me some dresses so we can decide what you'll wear."

"I'm way too drunk for an impromptu fashion show but ok." I giggle while jumping up from the couch and jog into my bedroom. I rummage through my clothes looking for my favourite dress. It's a tight, dark green silk dress with spaghetti straps. If I could get married in this you can bet your ass I would.

I put it on quickly and walk back to the living room where I'm met with Liz talking to someone on FaceTime on my phone.

"And just what the fuck do you think you're doing?" I ask with my hands on my hips and raise my brows at her when she gets scared by my voice.

"Damn bitch you're hot." she whistles.

"Who are you talking to?"

"A and I quote 'hot ass actor in his thirties'." she smirks, trying to embarrass me.

"I said ridiculously hot. Get your facts right if you're trying to embarrass me, quite unsuccessfully might I add." I say while grabbing my wine and gulping down half of my glass.

"Thanks I guess. May I say that move was quite hot also." comes a deep voice from my phone which is still in Lizzie's hand.

"Oh so that shit was pointing at me all along? Honestly, fuck you Liz."  I laugh sarcastically and give her the middle finger. "Hey Seb, what's the matter?" I ask while I walk over and flop down on the couch next to Elizabeth. Then she switches to the front camera so we can both see him.

"Nothing much. I didn't expect a call from you at midnight but I'm not complaining." he says with a flirty smile and runs his eyes over my outfit. "Interesting choice of clothes for a girls night."

"This woman here-" I point at Lizzie next to me "makes me play dress up for her to decide what I'll have to wear for her birthday shenanigans."

"Oh so you're coming. See I told you she'll invite you!"

"Yeah yeah, thanks mr. I-know-everything." I smirk "I already told Liz but I don't know if y'all are coming together tomorrow or not, so please tell the others too. I won't be able to meet you before the concert but you'll be escorted backstage once it's over and I'll be waiting for you there."

"That's alright. Choose your clothes weather appropriate this time." he jokes.

"Boo, you whore." I roll my eyes "Let's not pretend I wasn't awesome in my sweats. But don't worry I already chose my outfit, it has to be dope for the closing night."

"Can't wait to be the judge of that."

"And I can't wait to bug you until you show me once we end this call." chimes in a rather excited looking Lizzie.

"And that's our cue to leave. See you tomorrow Sebby."

"Don't stay up too late, princesses need their beauty sleep!" he teases.

Liz gets in a fit of laughter when I simply hold my middle finger out with a sickly sweet smile. Seb laughs at my expression after a moment of feigned offense.

"Good night girls."

"Good night to you too Sebastian" Lizzie responds.

"Bye Stan." I wave into the camera before grabbing my phone out of her hand and ending the call.

Elizabeth looks at me as I get up from the couch.

"Well that was definitely interesting."

"He's such a fucking flirt I can't even.."  I chuckle "Also fuck you for that move. You just had to call him from my phone huh?"

"I don't believe I have any idea what you're talking about."  she giggles, acting all innocent "Now show me that outfit before I pass out."

"Yes my lady!"  I salute and go to dress up in a different outfit once again.

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