Part 24

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tres amigos


i fucked up big time didn't I


it's about fucking time you realized

she's been gone for months dude


why do I feel like it's about a certain
tiny pink haired gal again


because it is

i miss her so much it's ridiculous

even when I'm with Alejandra all
I can think about is how much it sucks
that I don't know how she's doing


that's just plain fucked up

break up with her then

I don't even understand why you're
with her in the first place

we all knew you were falling for Alena


she's doing just fine

you would know that if you
weren't a coward idiot

you need to step up and and apologize to her

she deserves it

but first you need to dump that hoe that's leeching off of every bit of your fame


I know she deserves it alright

i want to talk to her but I don't want
to ruin her time on tour

even though there's not much of it left

she made it clear she doesn't want
anything to do with me


because you broke her heart Seb

I think that's a pretty fucking valid
reason to block you


what the hell are you talking about?


you can't seriously be this dumb


it hasn't even crossed your mind once that she
might feel the same way towards you?

she cried over you for weeks to Lizzie

Lena was falling for you but you had
to be an idiot and backtrack to being just friends

she thought she wasn't enough for you


you've got to be fucking kidding me

holy shit I'm an idiot

feel something  » Sebastian Stan «Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum