Part 8

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We spend hours sprawled out on the floor of his living room, smoking and talking about all kinds of shit. Sebastian is sitting in front of me with his back to the couch, currently telling me his funniest stories from filming.

"Oh my god, no way." I wheeze and wipe a few stray tears from my face that fell from laughing too hard.

"I swear, Anthony is the most annoying person you'll ever meet. One time we argued for twenty minutes about what the past tense of yeet is." he continues, barely able to talk from laughing as well.

"I honestly can't wait to see one of these debates in person." I reply. Unfortunately I haven't had the honor of witnessing one of their clashes yet. "I can be the judge next time."

"Okay, but can I ask a question? I need you to be the deal breaker. I have to know who was right, it still bothers me to this day." he says, dead serious now.


"Pew. Now can I ask my question?"

"Seb, oh my god I'm going to choke." I crack up once again after seeing the grown ass man across from me pretending to shoot me with his finger guns.

"That's what she said." he mumbles while looking down at his lap with a smirk on his face, swallowing back the urge to laugh again.

"I can't even.." I wheeze again, which quickly turns into a coughing fit.

I hurriedly open my purse and look for my inhaler, sighing in relief when I finally find it and take a few puffs. Normally my asthma rarely acts up, but the excessive amount of smoking I've done after singing for hours earlier must have triggered it.

"Sorry about that. But at least you can justifiably say that you took my breath away." I joke once I'm able to breathe again.

"You have asthma?" Seb asks back with concern written over his features.

"Yeah. It's kind of a bother whenever I'm on stage though. I always have to have one of these bad boys around." I wiggle the inhalers in my hand. "Hot right?"

"Yes." he deadpans. "You being able to breath is very sexy."

"Stop or I'll legit choke to death."

I struggle real hard to keep a straight face but when I see Sebastian open his mouth, already knowing what he's about to say again I'm quick to shut him up.

"No. Don't you dare say it again." I glare at him. "Back to the topic, ask that question before I have to call an ambulance on myself."

"Okay, so hear me out." he starts very heatedly explaining the debate between him and Anthony from a few days ago.

"Proper English rules imply that to make a word past tense, you add -ed at the end so the correct term would be yeeted." he explains his standpoint, moving his arms around as he's talking very animatedly.

"Okay, I see what you mean." I urge him to continue.

"And do you know what that dumbass replies to that? 'No, it's yote! Yeeted is not proper grammar at all.' " Sebastian imitates Anthony's voice. "Yote? Seriously?"

"I love how you -two grown man might I add- were arguing about the word yeet, yet you were concerned about grammar..." 

There's a brief moment of silence from his end, seemingly accepting defeat before he speaks up again.

"Fine, tell me then dear Lena." he smiles at me charmingly. "What do you think?"

I hold his gaze and lean back on my arms, tilting my head to the side challengingly with a smirk on my face too.

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