Part 19

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I struggle hardcore to set up my phone, trying to balance it with an empty wine bottle before opening instagram and pressing the live button.

I instantly see people flooding in including my friends. As the viewer count continuously rises, Lizzie and Scar are next to me and we are drunkenly giggling at random comments.

"Hi lovelies." I smile in the camera "I'm gonna wait a few more minutes for people then I'll answer some questions so ask away."

I glance at the live chat going crazy and I have to try hard to read a question before it goes away. Not like my vision is blurry or anything...

"We stan the Drunk Holy Trinity. That's our official name from now on, thank you very much. It's trademarked from now on." 

I try to form a coherent sentence without laughing out loud but it's near impossible as i hear the girls wheezing.

"Sing the song for us pleeeeease. Way too many e-s to ignore. Alrighty, these two ladies will act as my audience for this upcoming performance. Apart from you guys of course." I say and point at my two intoxicated friends. "Just give me a minute to catch some more questions." 

"What was such a good inspo to write this song in one day? Listen and try to figure it out if you haven't already." I dodge the question quickly when I see a familiar name with a little blue check mark next to it popping up.

"This is from our lovely Sebastian guys. If you don't answer me tomorrow I'll break into your house. Very charming but I'll probably sleep through the whole day Seba." I grin in the camera.

"WHEN WILL YOU FINALLY START? In all caps. Speaks for itself. I'll start now, calm your tits." I laugh and shake my head.

I lean back away from the makeshift tripod and grab my laptop to start the track.

Then I clear my throat one last time before I glance at the girls and start the first verse.

"Yesterday is over, it's the first day of my life

You look so fuckin' pretty, and I know it's not the wine

You spin me 'round in circles, underneath your starry eyes

And now I feel alright

And now I feel alright

'Cause you're so fuckin' special, oh

And I don't wanna let go, oh

'Cause now I think I'm lookin' at you like it's the very first time

You're just so fuckin' special

So I never wanna die, no

I never wanna die"

I haven't even noticed that I sang the first part with my eyes closed until now. I guess it helps to stop the room from spinning around me.

"My words are stumblin', uh

It's like no one understands them

I couldn't write a love song that captures you if I tried

But hey, I feel alright

'Cause you're so fuckin' special, oh

And I don't wanna let go, oh

'Cause now I think I'm lookin' at you like it's the very first time

You're just so fuckin' special

So I never wanna die, no

I never wanna die, yeah, oh"

I try my hardest not to fuck up the notes while also tying to have fun. I hop off the couch which causes Scarlett to quickly grab my phone and point it towards me as I grab another bottle that was laying around my living room. I use it as a microphone while I sit on the floor and turn to my dog, serenading him with the next verse.

"Oh, oh, I hope

Tonight's the rest of my life

'Cause, oh, oh, I know

I'm finally feelin' alive

Oh, oh, I hope

Tonight's the rest of my life

'Cause, oh, oh, I know"

I take a deep breath before I start the final part of the song. Lizzie's laying on her stomach on my couch as she's hyping me up and Scarlett's grinning at me behind the camera.

"That you're so fuckin' special, oh

And I don't wanna let go, oh

'Cause now I think I'm lookin' at you like it's the very first time

You're just so fuckin' special

So I never wanna die, no

I never wanna die, yeah, oh"

Drunk cheers fill the room as I lay on my back like a giggling mess while Ollie spazzes out around me. I finally compose myself and sit back up to look into my camera with a straight face.

"That's all folks, hope you enjoyed this installment of the drunk diaries. Stay safe and drink water kids. Love ya'll!" I send a kiss to the camera. "Scarlett darling, that was the cue. Cut this shit out." I cackle before she finally gets the memo and stops the live.

"I can already feel tomorrow's headache." she says and rubs her temples.

"Five bottles should have been our limit." whines Lizzie as she crawls off the couch.

"I don't even want to think about what's gonna happen tomorrow. Let's just fucking sleep." I say and head upstairs to lead them to the guest rooms.

"Oh god, yes please." she replies quickly.

When both of my friends have their rooms to stay in, I head to my own and change into pj's. Ollie already conquered his place on my bed by the time I climb under the sheets next to him, and as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light.

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