Part 11

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"Girl get your ass down or I'm leaving without you. Period."  I shout up the stairs while I wait for Lizzie to come down.

The car's already here to take us to the club for her party but of course she's still lost upstairs, doing god knows what still.

"Chill Rae, it's my birthday. I can be fashionably late if I want to." she says as she emerges from upstairs.

"Daaamn you're smokin' girl." I whistle at her playfully as she finally emerges down the stairs in a gorgeous pale pink dress.

"Thank you."  she giggles "You look incredible in that dress too but we already established that."

"Don't remind me."  I shake my head a little and grab my purse from the hanger. "Come on, car's waiting outside."

"I'm so fucking excited. Are you sure I look okay though?"  she asks nervously while we're walking out and I wait for her to close her front door.

"Yes Lizzie, you look absolutely beautiful. Chris will drool all over you for sure."  I encourage her.

We climb in the car and greet the driver before finally heading towards the venue.

"What's the deal with you two anyways? Is it official or what?" I ask her.

"I don't know to be honest. I mean we hooked up and he did ask me out on a date, but he didn't ask me officially to be his girlfriend though." she explains.

"Yeah you kinda switched up the steps for sure, but I bet he'll ask you out officially anytime now. Maybe he just didn't want to rush things even more before your birthday. I'm seriously so happy for you both." I smile at her and grab her hand.

"You're probably right. Thank you Lena, I don't know how I managed without you before."

"Aaahw stop it or I'll ruin my makeup. I love you so much."

"Love you too bitch." she giggles.

When the car finally stops in front of the club, we climb out and walk inside with interlocked arms.

First thing I see as we step in is the swarm of people with familiar faces approaching us in a hurry. I quickly let go of Liz and step aside before they attack her with birthday wishes.

I'm chilling, vibing to the music on the sidelines when I spot Anthony and Robert walking straight towards me.

"Hey chica."  sings a rather smiley Mackie as he pulls me in for a tight hug. "Nice dress, you look beautiful."

"Thank you mackster. You look dapper yourself."  I pat his chest, laughing softly before turning towards RDJ.

"Hi I'm Alena, nice to finally meet you." I smile and try to contain my excitement.

"Pleasure is all mine. We heard a lot about you."  he smirks and throws an arm around my shoulder as we begin to walk towards the bar to grab a drink with Anthony on our tail.

"Oh god I'm gonna kill Lizzie if she embarrassed me."  I shake my head disapprovingly.

"Who said anything about Elizabeth?"  he asks while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Very funny Robert." I say as I pull away from his side and step up to the bar to order our drinks. The bartender smirks at me before I turn back around towards my friends. "What are you guys drinking?"

"I'll take some tequila."

"Same."  comes the answer from both.

"Two shots of tequila please."  I ask the bartender.

"And for you gorgeous?"  he flirts.

"Give me your best whiskey."  I respond while I play with my nails, obviously trying to send him the message that I'm not interested.

"Coming right up pretty lady."  I roll my eyes as he turns around to make our drinks when I hear a deep voice from my right.

"Make that two as well please."  I look up and see who walked up next to me.

"Finally. I was wondering when will you show up."  I elbow Sebastian in his side playfully.

"You're the one who was immediately snatched away by these fellas."  he responds while pulling me under his arm in a side hug and greets the guys.

"Two shots of tequila and two whiskeys."  my attention is ripped away from the three men's conversation when I hear annoying dumbfuck behind the bar.

"Cheers guys."  I say after we grab our drinks and I raise my glass at them.

I down my drink quickly and put the empty glass back on the counter, pushing it towards the bloke.

"Thanks."  I force a grin at my face.

"Anytime love. Find me later if you're up for some fun."  he winks, flirting shamelessly again, despite the fact that Seb literally has me under his arm still.

"Yeah, I wouldn't count on it if I were you but thanks."  I cock my head to the side and smile sweetly at him.

I can be a straight up bitch if you creep me out, don't test me dude.

Mackie snorts and I hear Robert struggling to stifle a laugh assuming it's because of how I shut him down. But in reality it was because of the smug look on Seb's face that I was completely unaware of.

He looks down at me and runs his eyes over my outfit which feels a thousand times more intimidating being this close to him than when he did it over FaceTime.

"You look beautiful prinţesă. I think I like this dress even more in person."

"Thanks Seba, you clean up nice too."  I smile and try to hide the slight blush on my cheeks. "Come on, be a dear and introduce me to the others. See you later guys!" I wave over my shoulder at Rob and Mackie, because Sebastian already started to walk me over to the crowd at this point.

*Third person's pov*

The pair approaches the group of friends at the other end of the club, leaving a flabbergasted Robert and a chuckling Anthony behind.

"Are they really that oblivious and dumb?" asks Robert, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Welcome to my world man." Anthony chuckles and pats the man on his shoulder.

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