6 ◦✿◦ Signed, Felizzia

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Scritch. Scritch. Scritch.

Only the sound of her pen against the parchment could be heard in the study. Although the silence was uncomfortable, it was Erdan's blazing stare standing from behind that choked Lizzie. She could picture him burning holes through her back.

But still, in her best, she filled the paper with lousy and childish handwriting as she mulled over the tragedy.

It was supposed to be a great day. The incident last night was glossed over by a loud dinner with Garth that evolved swords, how to evade an incoming slice and the best spot to cut the enemies dead.

"Here Silver." He pointed his neck. "Once the veins are cut, the blood will rush. He'll be dead, for sure." And he sliced the steak on precise clean cut. She could even hear the servants on standby, gulp, one even held to her neck.

"But you can also cut their feet so they won't run away. The eyes would be a good target too, you know, if their sight is gone, they'd be good as dead."

Lizzie could not taste her soup. She just wanted to eat, peacefully so. However, Garth who might have a weakness in the art of conversation, casually taught her how to kill a person.

And Lizzie had no choice but to suck it up. "Garthie, did you poke someone's eyes?"

Gasps among servants, but Garth did not mind. He just grinned and forked the meat into his mouth.

'What kind of conversation is this?' she thought.

It must be the normal chat between the Norvillons, but a child of eight included... well, it didn't matter. She's even fanning the flames of his swordsmanship knowledge because it was the only thing that piqued his interest. And when she gets his attention, her Adorable Points would increase.

Garth leaned over and sliced her creamed carrots into smaller pieces. "Err, they're good for your eyesight, I think." He then sliced her portion of steak. Despite a true-blooded swordsman, he was well-versed with the utensils and his manners in dining were impeccable.

"It's nice like this," he exclaimed. "We often eat separately since we do different things. I do eat with Erdan, but he's boring. Wanna have meals together next time?"

Oh, it seems her Adorable Points went up. "Lizzie wants to!"

He grinned. "Then, where were we? Anyway, before you could stab the enemy, the first thing you need to do—"

"Times up." Erdan's voice woke her up. "Were you also spacing out yesterday and fell into the pit? Hewitt told you to wait for him, didn't he? But you roamed, and look what happened. A few scratches, bruises, and a sprain. Now, you have to be carried until you heal."

Lizzie blinked at him, just right after his sermon ended with one breath. All she did was squeak an apology.

She sighed and handed her paper. Erdan is a different case than Garth. To her horror, he was the one waiting for her in the study instead of Butler Hewitt. And to test how far she understood the past lessons, he slapped the test on the desk with a dark smile.

Lizzie of the North (Yrsoreth Chronicles 2)Where stories live. Discover now