12 ◦✿◦ Journey to Second Frontier

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Hello! I'm sorry I'm really late. Things went crazy and hectic. Aside from real-life responsibilities, I had to finish a manuscript entry for something.
I crammed so much 🤣
Anyway, idk if I'll make it tho, because I had to rush everything. Wish me luck.

Moving on, I'll be updating faster to make it up to you. This chapter explains a few events from the first book, Diana of Alcotta. I hope you could still remember.

I always read your comments or suggestions. Please input your reactions in the comment section.

Thank you.

I missed you!


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It had totally slipped her mind. Although she had saved her brothers from the advances of a girl after their title, Lizzie could not tell it straight to the Duke's face.

And now, a day after the picnic, he was faced with the biggest thorn on her side, for interrogation.

"Well then, I'm listening," he coaxed, despite the quill on his hands in a swift motion against the paper.

Lizzie unfolded the letter with a neat yet artfully written message.

"Lord Devanti Norvillon,

It is my greatest honor to partake in the education of Lady Feliziia. She is a bright and charming child befitting of the  Norvillon name. However, to my utmost regret, I cannot resume my duties as her etiquette mentor due to the sudden deterioration of my health.

I have been advised by our family physician to take a rest and be less involved with the social circle of the esteemed Northern society for a while.

I apologize for such te... terr..."

"Terrible," the duke corrected.

"...terrible news. I wish for Lady Feliziia, who is like a sister to me if I may bold to say so, that she will progress further in her studies and bloom as the symbol of the Northern lady of grace.

As your loyal subject, the Marquess house of Davitt will compensate whatever i... inveconience—"


"...inconvenience I have caused to the lady and the great Ducal house of Norvillon.

Lady Rosalia Davitt"

Lizzie then tiptoed around the desk, to face the duke without obstacle. Must not fear, must not fear, she repeated in her head.

She ate dinner in his office just weeks ago, and to her horror, she was sometimes forced to sit there with her books while he worked in silence. It happened once on the first week she was freed from her room. Then twice in the second week. And on the third week, she drew him, as best as possible to impress the man, but her sense of art was as tragic as the future she wished to change.

He glanced at the drawing like it was the most offensive thing in the world, but the next time she visited the office, it was still on his desk, right where she left it.

It's progress, Lizzie told herself. At least he doesn't choke her neck when she approaches. Come to think of it, he had never attempted her life yet. He was cold, but that's it. And today, she will take it further to save her skin from accidentally scaring her tutor away.

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