59◦✿◦The Sermon

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Hello! Sorry for the late update. A lot happened this weak, then I got sick. (。•́︿•̀。)

How did your week go? 

Anyway, enjoy reading!

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Although she ate alone at breakfast, Garth promised her dinner, "Like we always do," he said.

With her reconciliation scheme coming along, Lizzie walked back to her room with a minute bounce in her steps. Of course, she marched with the dignity of a princess once more so that no one would believe that she jumped the balcony. The news probably reached the 'authorities' but at least she's forgiven by one out of three. She pushed the door open and froze, her smile dropped as low as the chill temperature in the room. It was the same with her maids and knights behind her.

"You look happy," Erdan stated, standing by the terrace. No need for words, Lizzie entered and closed the door behind her, everyone outside

Though Garth wasn't easy, he was a huggable teddy bear. Erdanielle Norvillon is tricky. In her family, he was the most difficult to read. He had never shown disappointment to Lizzie, and if he did, they were masked in light jabbed taunts and challenges.

As always, he had the same amicable mask now that they were alone.

Although warily, she passed the couches and sat at the edge of her bed. "...So, you're not avoiding me now?"

"I have finally sorted out my feelings." He said it so bluntly and calmly that Lizzie wondered if he had feelings at all.

"Feliziia, am I unreliable?"


Her brothers were more than reliable. They were too excellent in what they do and they cared in their own ways. Well, Erdie is a little twisted, but he cared nonetheless.

"Then why..." He paused, blinked away the emotions that leaked on his face and seemed to be permanent. It was the same expressions she had seen from Devanti, but subdued, or at least he tried to.

"You did not really sort out your feelings," she mumbled then clamped her mouth.

"I did not." Erdan left his spot and faced their youngest, gazing up to him, ears ready for a list of disappointment. "But here I am before you scream early in the morning, jump the balcony again and possibly injure yourself." His words were sharp and angry.

He did show concern even before and was overprotective in his own way. Erdan usually does not show much. Yet now, his forehead creased and her brows knitted. She imagined smoke fuming out of his ears and mouth as he also added her reckless behavior of eloping with a Gran Dacchian 'boy.' He listed the potential dangers, her naivety and the 'nutrition of her brain were all stolen by her hair' to do such 'an atrocity.'

Lizzie listened to him intently, as he sometimes raised his voice and controlled it but it would bleed out nonetheless. She never looked away and remembered the sermon.

She would cherish the moment forever.

Her cold brother isn't so cold anymore.

"You think it's funny, don't you?"

Lizzie blinked at him as if her facial muscles were out of control, she didn't realize her smile, a grin to be exact was plastered on her face. She shook her head. "Keep going Erdie. I'm listening."

Erdan sighed and rearranged his facial expression. Too late, Lizzie couldn't unsee his angry face. He half kneeled in front of her, in words like he was explaining to a child, he said, "You should have relied on me more. When you received that invitation, you should have told me."

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