47◦✿◦The Imperial Scandal

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Lizzie considers herself adept to the language. But no words from the streets, the books nor the slithery and flowery verses of nobles can describe her feelings for the moment.

"Someone kill me."

Or maybe they were just overwhelmingly too many words to describe her idiocrasy from the last night.

Who would propose marriage out of anger?

This fool. She pointed to herself. 

She sat there, staring into the lovely glow of the morning sun, filtered by the glass and peach lace of the window. For minutes, the events last night played in her head, up to the awkward and deafening silence in the carriage with her refusing to even look at Alec, much more speak to him. Even when he wished her a sheepish good night, there was no response.

The bird's beak tapping on the window, woke her up from the daze. It chirped like a nagging logical part of herself that she lost last night. Lizzie swung her feet to the side and left the bed. She stretched her arms and body, then clapped once, as if closing an embarrassing book she had written herself.

Yes, she punched Alec, but he is not a petty person to make the assault in national matter.

Yes, she declared to marry him in passing, but it was just an outburst. He wouldn't take it seriously.

And yes, he defined their relationship as 'not friends,' but Lizzie is not that petty either.

So, she will brush it off and go on about her day with a smile, catch up with Diana later and she'll be back in Norvillon in no time.

That's what she told herself. 

But here she is back in palace, sitting with the emperor, empress and their son who was not her friend anymore.

Her eyes trembled at the angry letters her father personally wrote that threatened to 'purge everyone under your rule, even if I have to sell my soul to the devil. I'll kill you.' that and other colorful curses, with the demand of returning Lizzie to the North.

"How did he know?"

"As there are Gran Dacchian spies in the north, there also Norvillon spies here." Alec replied, one of the few words they had exchanged this morning.

"Papa... you..." she massaged her temples.

"What do you want do know now?" the emperor asked.

The most reasonable was to go straight home pronto, be on her knees for Devanti's forgiveness. Her tea reflected an anxious girl. The crease of her forehead has become so elaborate for the moment.

She looked up, as if by the law of nature, she sought Alec who was already sitting beside her.

"Don't leave." He was quick to decide for her, in an absolute voice, but then added a whispered "Yet."

Going home in the best solution. She'd grovel back to her father who had no fault but to love the only loving memory of his wife, her.

But, this could be the last time she'll be in Gran Dacchia. Probably. And she wished it wouldn't be.

The emperor cleared his throat.

"Right..." Lizzie blinked and realized he and Alec the 'not-friend' cousin of hers, have been staring at each other for a while now. She looked away, only to see the smiles from the imperial couple.

It's a untimely to look strangely pleased, but okay. "Your majesties, may I ask for a pen and paper?"

And so, her catching up with Diana was postponed for an hour. They let her use a study to write a response to Norvillon's threats.

Lizzie of the North (Yrsoreth Chronicles 2)Where stories live. Discover now