7 ◦❀◦ Golden Cage

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She knew it.

In exchange for tender meat and honey, a soft bed, and toys, she also had to sacrifice something.

It's fine that she studies together with Erdan a few hours a day, reading books for children, as she is taught more complicated things by Sir Cavat Li'Gian. The baron's second son in his mid-twenties, has no title but was a sought-after educator. Then Erdan would teach him after the formal lessons.

Lizzie would then earn a few unwanted head pats from Young Devil Number One, for correct answers. Her dinners with Garth continued as well, including the gruesome conversations. By this time, she's mastered the theory of torture from Young Devil Number Two.  Aside from the disastrous contract incident with the duke, she never saw him again for a week.

Maids were assigned to her in rounds, waiting on her as soon as she wakes up, outside the study during her lessons, in her room during playtime, and would only leave after she slept. From time to time, they would check their temperature and sigh in relief when she's warm. The fireplace in her room never died.

Although Lizzie found this constant concern for her temperature strange, she assumed it's part of 'Rich people things.'

Then she realized, she had no privacy at all.

She could not even pull a tiny grain of jewel from her hairpin nor hiding the leftover cookies. without the maids knowing. Her plans of restocking her treasures for the future were stalled. Even the lone ribbon she stole from the duke was discovered by the maid and now was gloriously back in her jewelry box.

Since nobody would give her an answer about her past and why a middle name was added to the already painstaking long name, Lizzie searched for Red, yet the circumstances made it impossible. The search also taught her a valuable lesson.

In one of her snack times, she casually brought up the conversation to Fay, one of her three maids.

"Fay, Fay... did you live here long?"

Used to her random questions, the young servant answered while spooning honey for her milk. "Five years, my lady. I came when I was fourteen to follow my husband who also started working as a footman."

Lizzie did not comment on her early marriage. It was a norm for commoners and nobles alike to be engaged or married just right after they reach fourteen. She even assumed that the duke married his first wife early, due to the ages of the young devils. What she wondered was how come Erdan and Garth mentioned no marriage nor engagement on the duration of her stay. 

"Oh... you know everyone?"

"Pretty much. The castle is very strict. They go through extensive background checks and referrals before hiring."

"So, you know Red?"

Fay paused from stirring the glass of milk. "Red, my lady?"

"Yes. Lizzie talked to him in the garden before falling into the hole. But Lizzie couldn't find him now."

"...What does he look like, my lady?"

In between bites of her cookies, she described the boy who claimed to be a fortune-teller then a gardener. She also hinted at her desire to play in the wilted garden. She was engrossed with her food she did not notice Fay's usual warm smile cease until all left was her pale, horrified expression.

"My lady, did you say you talked to him alone in that garden?"


Fay bowed and excused herself in a hurry, leaving the other two maids, exchange strange looks. 

Lizzie of the North (Yrsoreth Chronicles 2)Where stories live. Discover now