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Davina sprints through the shipyard, leaving the trio of Shadowhunters behind her. She rounds the corner to find Luke with Clary slung over his shoulder, the latter struggling in the former's grip. Davina pulls out her Seraph Blade and points it at Luke, her face one of fury.

"Put Clary down!"

"Davina, let me help you," Luke begs. "Let me help both of you. I failed your mothers I won't fail you two as well"

Davina rounds the corner to see Clary slung over Luke's shoulder as she struggles. She pulls out her Seraph blade and points it at him.

"Put Clary down!"

"Davina, let me help you," Luke says. "Let me help you in the way I couldn't help Jocelyn or Dot"

Davina's stance wavers as she stare at Luke, a man who had protected her for as long as she could remember. Jace and Alec turn the corner to see Davina lowering her seraph blade and Clary slung over a werewolf's shoulder.

"Alec!" Jace shouts.

"Got her!"Alec says.

Jace kicks Luke in the back of his knee causing the man to lose his balance. Luke stumbles forward and Alec snatches Clary from his hold.

"No!" Davina moves forward to stop Jace but her movements are halted by Alec wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her away.

Davina stares at Luke's unconscious form as Clary and Jace begin to jog away in order to find Simon.

"Davina, come on," Alec says. 

"Go ahead," Davina says.

"I'm not leaving you-"

"I said go!"

Davina hears Alec's footsteps retreat before she nudges Luke with her foot. 

"You played dead enough when I was a child," Davina says and Luke cracks an eye open. "I also know you're in love with Jocelyn and wouldn't betray her"

Luke pushes himself to his feet before embracing Davina. Their sweet moment is interrupted by snarls and howls filling the air. 

"I'm about to challenge the Alpha," Luke says and Davina nods.

"I believe in you,"

Davina watches in amazement as Luke transforms into a wolf before her very eyes. Luke bows his head deeply to Davina who smiles at him, placing her hand on his head. 

"Go kick ass," Davina whispers. 

Luke sprints away, Davina following him as the shouts of the mall quartet fills her ears. 

"He's challenging the alpha," 

"He's helping us," Davina says, causing the group to jump about a foot in the air.

"Or cutting in line to kill us,"

"I have it on good authority this is an ally we want," Davina says, watching the fight between the wolves with rapt fascination. 

The fight was swift and bloody. The sound of snapping and snarling filling the air as all eyes watch the fight. All of a sudden silence fills the air as the former alpha returns to human form, clearly dead. 

"The alpha is dead," Isabelle says.

Luke transforms back into a human, his body slashed and bloody. Davina rushes forward, evading Jace and Alec's attempts to grab her before wrapping her arm around Luke's waist. Davina watches as all of the wolves transform back to their human forms before dropping to their knees.

"What is it? What's happening?" Clary asks. 

"When a werewolf kills the alpha leader, he becomes the new alpha. Your friend Luke's the leader of the pack now" Jace says.

"I promised your mothers I'd always protect you. I'm just sorry I couldn't protect them," Luke whispers to Davina before his eyes fall closed and he becomes dead weight.

Davina stumbles to the ground, clutching Luke close to her body. She ignores th blood that is staining her clothes a deep red as she places her hand on Luke's face.

"Luke? Luke?"

Davina looks up to Jace with pleading eyes and he turns to Alec saying one final sentence before running over to Davina. 

"His wounds are deep," Jace says. "Our best bet is a warlock"

"We need to get him to Magnus," Davina says and Jace places his hand on her face.

"That's exactly what we're going to do," Jace says, his thumb gentle stroking Davina's cheek as she leans into his comforting touch.

Jace and Davina both wrap one of Luke's arms around their shoulders before walking towards Luke's car. Davina slides into the back and Jace lies Luke across the backseat, placing Luke's feet in Clary's lap. 

"I never should've doubted you," Clary says.

"Neither of us should have," Davina says.

"We never should have lied to you," Luke says. "Either of you"

Davina places her hand on Luke's face, the point of contact beginning to glow green. Davina grits her teeth as pain begins to fill her body as Luke relaxes slightly. Jace's eyes move to the rearview mirror where he watches this interaction happening. Davina's teeth almost grinding themselves into dust as Luke becomes less tense. 

"Davina stop," Jace says and the redhead looks up at him. "You'll hurt yourself"

Davina looks away from Jace, keeping the point of contact as she tenses up. The pain coursing through her body as blood begins to trickle from her nose. 


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