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The harsh light of the Institutes infirmary invades Davina's eyes when they open causing her to immediately close them to hide the light that was offending her vision.

"I'm glad to see you awake"

"What are you doing here?" Davina asks.

"Can't I visit my sister who has been dimension hopping in her spare time whilst running from the Clave?" 

"Not without a motive," Davina retorts. 

"Look," Lydia sighs. "I was an only child, before you were revealed, of course, and I always wanted a sister. When I found out about you, I was filled with envy to be completely honest with you. You had the life I craved, a life without the crown weighing heavy on my head. Constant expectations of success. Your life was simplistic and mundane. I was happy for a while but then my fiancé was killed in a demon attack only days before our wedding. But when you emerged into the Shadow World and your true identity was revealed which put you in unimaginable danger, I had this urge to protect you. It's part of the reason I took this assignment"

Davina is silent for a moment as she processes the emotion dump that Lydia had just droppped upon her. Lydia stays silent for a moment, allowing Davina's mind to process what was just said to her.

"So what happened?" Lydia asks.

"In the alternate dimension, I had a mundane life," Davina smiles, reminiscing. "I wanted to stay there, it was so idyllic but then I remembered that I had a duty to protect this dimension and protect my people who Valentine is killing"

"You've been cleared by the medic to leave once you regained consciousness," Lydia says. "Although he has advised for you to eat as your blood sugars-"

Davina gets to her feet before she sways slightly, staggering forward which causes Lydia to catch her swiftly. 

"Your blood sugars will be low," Lydia finishes her sentence.

Davina begins to walk, assisted by Lydia, as they head towards Davina's room within the Institute. Alec spots the sisters and is quick to assist, allowing Davina to loop her spare arm around him.

"How are you feeling?" Alec asks.

"I'm okay," Davina says. "Is Jace back yet?"

"You've missed a chapter, huh?" Alec says, helping Davina into her bed. 

"Why what happened?" Davina asks. 

"Turns out Jace isn't the son of Michael Wayland," Alec says nonchalantly. 

So who is his father?"


The room falls silent as Davina's jaw drops. Alec watches her as she processes the information that he had just dropped upon her.

"Even I didn't see that coming?"

"I don't believe that," Alec says. "Remember that night you wrote that V equals M on your mirror? I think it meant that Valentine equaled-"

"Michael" Davina is hit with a realisation that she had in fact foretold the truth of Jace's parentage. "Alec I owe you an apology"

"For what?"

"It's a long list and you know that"

"It's not that long"

"Shut up and let me apologize. But I'm mainly sorry for ruining what you and Jace have," Davina says. "I know you have a fetish for rules-"

"It's not a fetish," Alec says.

"I know," Davina says. "It's a joke Alec, you know when someone says something funny and you laugh"

"I think I ruined it," Alec says and Davina sits up, scooting next to him.

"Listen to me Alec," Davina says. "Nothing you could ever do could ruin whatever you and Jace had"

"I weakened the bond"

"So strengthen it again," Davina says. "You can weaken something and you can strengthen it again"


"I can't tell you how to do that" Davina says. "That's up to you Alec"

Davina knocks on Jace's door after leaving Alec to sit and ponder over the stability of his relationship with Jace and how they can rebuild their bond. 

"I want to be alone"

"Jace, it's me," 

The door opens and Jace stands in the doorway, tears glistening in his eyes. 

"Hey," Davina says and Jace wraps his arms around her causing them stumble inside as Jace kicks the door shut. 

"What do I do?" Jace asks. "I'm the son of a monster. That makes me a monster"

"I don't believe that," Davina says. "Jace-"

Davina places her hands on his face.

"Not all monsters do monstrous things," Davina says.

"You're not a monster Jace. You're just a boy who was born to a terrible, terrible man. But you were the boy who managed to tame a bird. A vicious bird with love and do you know what monsters can't do?"


"They can't love, that's what separates them from us," Davina says. "That's what makes them monsters Jace, but you, you can love which makes you human. Like I can love, like Simon can love, like Magnus can love, like my mother could love. Valentine thought he was in love with Jocelyn, but he was in love with the idea of having someone who would blindly follow everything he said. But then Jocelyn disagreed with him, hence why, with the means, he didn't wake up Jocelyn because she has her own ideals. Ones that don't agree with his own. Let me ask you one thing, do you agree with Valentine's ideas?"


"Then you're nothing like him," Davina says. "Simple"

"How is it that simple?"

"Because you're trying so hard to prove you're a monster for reasons I don't understand," Davina says.

"But isn't it an inevitability, I was raised by him," Jace says.

"I don't believe that. Goodness is what's in here-" Davina places her hand on Jace's chest where his heart was. "And here"

Davina presses a finger to Jace's temple.

"And you're unequivocally good, Jace"

"And you're unequivocally good, Jace"

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