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The vent in the evidence room drops to the floor with a clatter causing the trio to wince before Jace drops down followed by Clary. Davina shuffles to the edge before beginning to undo her shoes.

"What are you doing?" Jace hisses. 

"I am not running a perfectly good pair of shoes because you decided to go all Oceans 11 with the plan," Davina hisses in reply.

"Keep your shoes on, I'll catch you," Jace replies and Davina sighs.

The redhead shuffles further forward before closing her eyes and muttering a quiet prayer under her breath. She lets herself drop before her fall is halted by two arms. She opens her eyes to see Jace grinning down at her. The blonde gently places her on her feet before beginning to tease her. 

"What did you call me earlier? Prince Charming?"

"Shut up and start looking for the evidence box with Luke's name on it," Davina retorts. 

"What is all this crap? Lunch receipts?" Jace asks as he carefully digs through boxes

"It's all evidence," Davina says. "From open and closed cases. Then back there are cold cases and cases with less evidence or circumstantial evidence that they can't prosecute from"

"How do you know all this?"

Davina shushes Clary as the sound of approaching footsteps fills her ears. The door to the evidence room is pushed open and a policeman with a flashlight enters the room. The trio had glamoured themselves before he can see them.

"You're both getting pretty good with this stuff," Jace says.

"Well, at least we know he's not a Downworlder," Davina says.

"Lucky for us," Clary says.

Davina's eyes scan the room until her eyes lock on Luke's box. Davina grabs the box and begins digging through the objects on Luke's desk. Davina pulls out a picture of Clary and herself hugging Luke on the day of their high school graduation. She takes the picture and places it in her pocket.

"This will take all day," Jace sighs.

Davina rolls her eyes at Jace's comment before picking up the box and tipping it upside down, sending objects clattering onto the table.

"Or you could just do that"

Davina hands Clary the Ace of Cups before placing the rest of the cards in her bag. 

"That looks exactly like the Mortal Cup," Jace says.

"This is it. It has to be" Clary says.

Clary tries to reach into the card, but it doesn't work. Clary's fingers tap against the card to no avail.

"What's wrong?" Davina asks.

"I'm not sure, I-"

"You're not sure what's wrong or you're not sure where your mom hid the Cup?" Jace asks.

Once they are out of the precinct, the trio rushes to meet up with Alec and Isabelle once again.

"Did you get it?" Alec asks.

"Theoretically," Clary says.

"Theoretically?" Alec asks.

"Yeah. I found the card. I just have to figure out how I reached into my notebook before. It's-It's not an exact science"

"Can't you just pull the Cup out?" Alec says.

"I can, theoretically. I just- It's not as easy as it looks, Alec"

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