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Davina continues holding onto Luke's face as sweat begins beading on her forehead and blood begins to drip from her nose. 

"Davina, stop!" Magnus grabs the girl by her shoulders and pulls her back.

The pain coursing through Davina's body stops almost instantly upon her loss of contact with Luke. But that pain had been replaced by a headache that seemed to rattle around in her skull. Davina clutches her head as Magnus holds her tightly to him.

"What's so important that Luke risked his life?" Clary asks.

"Everything Jocelyn hoped to hide from you. And everything Davina's mothers, both of them, wanted to keep from her"

Magnus makes a sketchbook appear and hands it to Clary as Davina fiddles with chalk, sitting criss-cross on the floor.


"When you were younger, I'd watch you sketching. It was your bliss. You're gonna need some bliss now" Magnus says.

"Back then, there wasn't a day I didn't draw. It was like breathing. Now, I look at this blank page and I barely even know what to do. Sometimes I feel like my art, my memories, my life, it all vanished with that Memory Demon" Clary says.

"Your art, everything you are... they're all still here. You're the woman your mother always knew you could be"

Davina slowly begins to draw on the floor with chalk, her hand moving as if of its own accord as she draws.

"But tried to keep me from being," Clary says, glancing at Davina who seemed to not be paying attention.

"That's why you need to know how you got here"

"Will it help me find my mother?" Clary asks.

"That's the only reason I can think of why Luke would be so adamant"

"I'm ready. Bring it, warlock"

Clary and Davina are listening whilst Magnus is telling stories about Valentine and Jocelyn.

"When I first heard about your father, around the time he and Jocelyn first got together, long before the Uprising and the Circle, Valentine elevated the Morgenstern name to be synonymous with virtue. And your mother was at his side"

Davina looks at the drawing beginning to form from her chalk. It was a drawing of the Ravener demon that attacked her, the tentacles coming out of its mouth lined with razor-sharp teeth.

"But by the time my people came to know him, barely two years later his name had become synonymous with devastation. Your mother told me it was when she first saw the signs"

Davina keeps drawing as she listens.

"They never found all the bodies. We'd all stood with the Clave for centuries"

"How could that not matter to him?" Clary asks.

"He was obsessed with ensuring the purity of blood. Convinced that the impurities were a threat to peace"

"The Voldemort of the Shadow world?" Davina asks and Magnus nods.

"He was the threat to peace," Clary says.

"Madmen rarely make sense. Mostly, they just hate and he hated the Downworlders, for the gifts that we possess that he could not have. He hated us enough to kill us all"

Magnus is looking through Clary's sketches before glancing at Davina's drawing on the floor.

"Ever since my mother was kidnapped, and the Shadow World invaded my life, so many Downworlders have helped me, not even thinking about what it might cost them. How could Valentine not see any good in any of them?" Clary asks.

"He was blinded by his ambition"

"Why didn't the Clave stop him?" Davina asks.

"He was clever. He and his followers managed to convince the Clave that the Downworlders they killed on their special missions had violated the Accords in some way. Complete fabrications" Magnus says.

"How could the Clave not see?" Davina asks. "Surely there would have been a pattern"

"Shadowhunters believe in the law as absolute. They could never conceive of one of their own going astray"

"My father didn't go astray, Magnus. He went insane" Clary says.

"What happened back then is happening again. The Clave refuses to believe that Valentine's a threat. Nineteen years ago, their lack of vision allowed the Circle to almost decimate the entire Shadow World" Magnus says.

"That was the Uprising?" Davina asks, gently smudging some of the chalk.

"Yes. Valentine wanted to create a new Shadowhunter army" Magnus says. "And for that, he needed the Mortal Cup. He knew it would be on display at the signing of the Accords as a show of the Clave's power. He seized the opportunity to accomplish everything he ever wanted. Destroy the Accords, murder Downworlders, and secure the Cup"

Clary is pacing as Davina grabs another stick of chalk.

"How could my mom and Luke be a part of something like this?" Clary asks.

"Jocelyn and Luke tried to prevent the Uprising. They tried to change Valentine's mind about Downworlders" Magnus says.

"Obviously, they didn't"

"Clary, if it wasn't for your mother and Luke, the Circle would have won"

"Ever since I found out Valentine was my father, I wondered how my mother could be married to someone like that... and why she stayed. She had to stop him" Clary says.

"And safeguard the Cup. Everything Jocelyn did, she did to save the people she'd sworn to protect. She took her oath as a Shadowhunter seriously" Magnus says.

"I understand, but how does that help me find the Cup?" Clary asks.

"Maybe Luke thinks if you know your mother better, you'll know where she hid it," Davina says.

"Then, tell me why she gave up being a Shadowhunter"

"Because the one thing in the world she loved more is you. She had to protect you. Then when Davina and Dot came into her life, Jocelyn felt like she had to care for Davina because the Seelie rebellion being caused by Valentine"

"From my father, the lunatic"

Luke grunts.

"Luke. Luke?"

"The magic's wearing off," Magnus says.

"It was our fault. It was our fault!" Luke groans.

"Magnus, it's worse," Davina says, looking at the bite on Luke's side. "I can-"

"No," Magnus shakes his head. "Your body won't be able to take another round of that"

 "Your body won't be able to take another round of that"

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