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Davina hammers her fist on Magnus' door, the thuds ringing through the silence of the night.

"I appreciate a call before being-" Magnus' complaint trails off when he looks at Davina who was soaked in blood.

Magnus' eyes move back to where Clary and Simon were supporting Luke who's blood was dripping all over the floor, creating a huge puddle on the floor.

"Come in," Magnus moves to the side, allowing the small group entry to his apartment. 

"He was attacked by an Alpha," Davina says. "He needs you Magnus"

"Lay him on the couch,"

Davina follows Magnus who begins handing her spellbooks and potion ingredients. 

"Luke," Clary crouches down next to Luke. "Luke, can you hear me?"

"I can't find you. Where are- where are you? Where are you?" Luke calls. "Jocelyn! Jocelyn-"

"No, Luke, it's Clary. Can you hear me?"

"Clary, listen to me. Listen... you have to listen to me. I have to tell you, just in case-" Luke pants.

"No, don't even say it, don't-"

"No, listen to me"


"No, you need to know! Listen-" Luke groans.

"Get back!" Magnus pulls Davina away from Luke.

As Luke's eyes light up with a luminescent turquoise colour, he lets out a loud roar that shakes the window panes of Magnus' apartment. Clary scrambles back and they all stare in shock at him. 

"Oh, my God" Clary's voice is barely above a whisper.

Davina lunges forward to hold Luke down as Magnus pulls out a vial of potion.

"Be still," Davina whispers, the soundwaves of her voice visible to those occupying the room.

Luke's body goes still as Magnus pries open the man's jaw, pouring the potion down his throat before clamping his mouth shut. 

"What's happening to him?"

"Random werewolf transformation. It's a side effect of the poison in the alpha bite"

Luke's eyes continue to flicker between his regular brown and luminescent turquoise as Magnus hurries around, searching for something in his vast collection of potion ingredients. Davina's eyes move to Simon who had Luke's blood on his hand. Her brow furrows as she watches Simon lick the substance off his hand as one would to a condiment that had been spilt. 

Clary and Simon begin to have a moment but Davina was taking in Simon's appearance. His blemishes and scars had faded but he looked deathly pale. His eyes were sunken in, his lips chapped and his face hollow. It was as if he was dying healthily. 

"I get a good vibe from this Magnus Bane guy. He seems like he knows what he's doing,"

Magnus rushes over, a large piece of wood in his hand which he places between Luke's teeth. The flickering in Luke's eyes subsides and he relaxes, his eyes slipping closed.

"You are now free to move," Davina whispers to Luke, her eyes glowing green. 

"The bark will stop the transformation for now, but Luke needs an antidote to stop the poison in his system. And I don't have all the ingredients here"

"Just tell me what you need and how to get it. Davina and I will go" Clary offers.

"No, you stay here. Luke will need you both if he wakes up" Magnus says.

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