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Davina stares at the tarot cards in front of her as Magnus from this dimension reads the cards to her. Clary was sat on the chaise lounge chair, a cat curled up in her lap as she runs her fingers through its fur. 

"The Lovers," Magnus turns the card. "You're in a loving relationship. This man has a strong hold on you. There's a magnetic attraction to him that you cannot deny or escape. There is a challenge coming as a secret is exposed but you will power through, your bond will only grow stronger as you embrace each other for your true selves" 

Davina blinks rapidly as the dimension edges begins to become blurry as her grasp on the reality she was originally from begins to slip from her grasp. 

"This man is special to you. The pair of you are two halves of the perfect match" 

One of Magnus' cats jumps onto the table and lets out a loud meowing sound, the action combined with the noise causes Davina to snap back, the blurriness fading as memories of her reality return to the forefront of her mind. 

"You don't own cats," Davina murmurs and Magnus' face contorts to one of confusion. 

"I have two, I'll have you know," Magnus' tone was offended. "Chairman Meow and Church" 

"Magnus, we know you're a warlock," Davina says, leaning forward. "I'm a Seelie Shadowhunter hybrid"

An amused smile falls onto Magnus' face before laughter begins to tumble from his lips. Davina frowns, confused as to why Magnus found this fact so amusing, she shares a confused glance with Clary before turning her attention back to the laughing warlock. 

"There haven't been Shadowhunters for centuries," Magnus answers the confusion of the two females. "The Seelie blood is very prominent in you, my dear, but you or friend here is very much mortal as angel blood died out with the Shadowhunters" 

"I can prove I'm a Shadowhunter," Clary's voice was confident as she lifts the cat off her lap.

Clary moves her top from her shoulder where a rune used to be, but because in this dimension angelic blood no longer exists. 

"The only thing I can see right now is that you are in severe need of a tan," Magnus' tone was sarcastic as Davina snickers. 

"So bad strategy on that one," Davina says. "Here's a better explanation, we're from an alternate dimension"

If what you say is true," Magnus' voice was suspicious. 'Without an anchor to your dimension, you'd be assimilating to this worl and losing your grip on your original reality" 

"Believe us it's not easy trying to fight this," Davina remarks. 

Clary turns her notebook to reveal a detailed drawing of a demon similar to the one that attacked Davina the night they discovered the existence of the Shadow World. 

"In our dimension, there are still demons and Shadowhunters," Davina states. "But now there's a shadowhunter that is a threat to us all and he's intent on wiping out all downworlders once he can harness their gifts. We need your magic to help us stop him"

"I'm sorry but there's no way for me to help," Magnus explains. "My magic has been dormant for a long time, most warlocks are the same. Most of them do the same thing as me, use tarot to get by and clairvoyance" 

"So you're useless?" Davina asks and Magnus nods. "Marvellous. We're gonna have to find this portal on our own"

Davina's eyes light up as she head over to the shelf of spell books, her eyes scanning the titles.

'These are the same books that our Magnus has," Davina says. "But there's a specific book I remember reading when I was younger with a potion that may help you make your magic come back to you" 

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