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The loud slam of the sceptre that Jeremiah, the silent brother presiding and officiating the wedding, signifies that it was time to begin the wedding. Davina turns to Lydia who takes a nervous shaky breath.

"You still have a chance for an out," Davina whispers. 

"I have to do this," Lydia replies, tilting her head up slightly to create the facade of confidence. "For Alec, not myself"

Davina nods, offering her hand to Lydia who takes it. The older woman squeezes Davina's hand, a grateful smile lighting up her face. The two sisters approach the set of large wooden double doors which are opened by two Shadowhunters who tilt their heads in acknowledgement. 

Isabelle is the first to walk down the aisle, a bouquet in her hand as she walks so gracefully, Davina could have sworn she was floating. 

"You ready?" Davina asks her sister who releases a nervous breath.

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess,"

Davina walks arm in arm with Lydia. Lydia was a vision in gold, her hair in an intricate braid of Davina's design. Her make up was flawless, not a single flaw in sight. But Jace's eyes were on Davina who looked every bit the Seelie princess that she was. A floor length emerald green dress adorned her body, with the spaghetti straps revealing the birthmark that revealed her true heritage to anyone who had a knowledge of Seelie lore and royalty. Her hair was styled to look like natural waves with the right side pinned back, revealing the pointed tips of her ears. 

"The genes are strong in that family," Simon whispers to Clary who nods in agreement. 

"They both look so beautiful," Clary replies. "They both look so good that I may have to bring my sexuality into question"

Davina passes Lydi'anhand into Alec's outstretched one, the man helping his bride-to-be up the steps to join him at the altar. Davina as ends the steps and takes her position next to Jace.

Isabelle steps forward, a bracelet sitting upon a silk pillow which Lydia takes into her hands before placing it onto Alec's wrist. Davina steps forward with an identical pillow, but sitting atop of this one was a necklace which Alec places around Lydia's neck, fastening it carefully.  

"It is time for Alec Lightwood and Lydia Branwell to mark each other with the Wedded Union rune. A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart. A union is born"

Lydia lifts the stele from Brother Jeremiah's outstretched hand before she takes Alec's hand in her own, turning it so his wrist was facing her. Lydia presses the stele against Alec's wrist but the ceremony is halted by the double doors slamming open to reveal Magnus Bane. 

A smile falls onto Davina's face as Magnus and Alec stare at each other. It was as if they were silently communicating their feelings to one another through a single glance. Davina watches as a sparkle appears in Alec's eye, one that he didn't have with Lydia. It was a look of pure elation and adoration for the man who had crashed his wedding. 

"Did Alec invite Magnus?" Jace whispers to Davina who shakes her head.

"I did," Davina replies. "I was worried he wasn't going to show because I knew he was the only one that had the slightest possibility of changing Alec's mind. I tried with Lydia but the idea of helping Alec was so strong that she was willing to enter a loveless marriage with a man who had affections for another"

"Lydia knew?" Jace asks. 

"Everyone but Alec knew," Davina replies quietly.

Maryse, with a face of thundering fury, walks towards Magnus. It was as if the fury of hell had entered Maryse's body as she stares daggers at the warlock who was ruining her one chance at redemption for the family name. 

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