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"That was very rude, Mr...Pirate..Man."

Just in front of them, gallons of water shot out of the Grand Canal, causing Elara to stand up quickly and was pulled back from the edge by Peter. Everyone around them were screaming and running for their lives while the two of them were staring in shock at it in a panic.

A boat was coming straight towards them, and crashed into the large pair of doors next to them. The two of them ran over to help Ned and Betty get out of the boat.

"Betty! You okay?" Elara yelled over to waves crashing and screams of people running towards them.


MJ turned the corner and came towards them grabbing Elara's hand in one and Betty's in the other, starting to pull them towards the stairs. "Guys, we gotta go!" Betty yelled at them as something was starting to happen with the water.

It was forming into the shape of a person. A water monster.

Peter and Ned were holding each other by the shoulders while the yelled at each other over everything.

"What is that?" Ned asked.

"I don't know."

"What'll you do?"

"My suit's in the hotel."

"Why didn't you bring your suit?!" Elara asked angrily, somehow breaking away from MJ as her two friends ran away. Sometimes tiny hands were quite useful in situations like this.

"Because I'm on vacation, Elara! Everyone's gonna see my face. Just get them out of here. Go! Just go!" Peter said, the first sentence for Elara while the others were towards Ned before he pushed him towards the stairs.

The water monster smashed one of its fists into a nearby building, water flooding from the windows and back into the canals. It went for one of the boats driving by. Peter's attention pulled away from the crazy thing happening in front of him to Elara's wrist with her gold bracelet that held her suit, the nanotech starting to crawl up her arm until he stopped her.

"Elara, you can't wear your suit right now."

"Why not?"

"Because if you turn into Angel, then everyone will know that Angel is in Italy and our classmates will start to put things together." Peter pleaded, pulling her away gently by the wrist.

Part of her hated that she was right.

The nano parts went back into her bracelet as she let out a small sigh. She just wanted to help. The two of them stumbled back as the water monster came towards them fast. Peter grabbed her quickly as the both of them yelled before she teleported them away to behind a wall. Nobody noticed of course because of what was happening beside them.

Peter activated his webshooters, before taking a shaky breath, turning the corner and trying to web the water monster, which just went right through it. He stared almost in disbelief before the monster turned towards them.

Elara teleported towards the bridge as she heard louder screams, pushing everyone's else feelings and emotions deep down so she could focus on her own and helping everyone. She had teleported around a wall so she could come around and help everyone off the bridge or at least away from the middle of the bridge, where the monster was going to destroy next.

"Go! Go! Get out of here!" She yelled at everyone as she helped them off the bridge, turning her head to see Peter leaping on top of the poles in the water towards her. Once he got close enough, he grabbed on of the sticks standing next to him and pole vaulted on top of the bridge from the roof of a boat going under.

+When Angels Fall+ Peter ParkerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum