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"I'm disappointed about Paris though. I really wanted to jump off that really tall, pointy building."

Elara looked around the dark atmosphere around her as she looked for MJ. She had told her to meet her on the Charles Bridge and eve sent her a map so she didn't get lost. The angel was just surprised that she even figured out how to open the map, much less use it.

She had flown countless space ships and used many different types of weapons yet the most complicated technology she had ever used was an IPhone 13.

Before Elara had even gotten to the bridge, she had collapsed her suit back into the bracelet but her dress was underneath so she wasn't naked thankfully.

The white haired girl looked across the stone brick path and saw the familiar figure leaning against the half walls over the river. With a big smile across her face, Elara ran up to her stopping when they were standing next to each other. MJ smiled at her, the other girls blue eyes squinting at her for a second as she could feel the nerves coming off of her friend, which was unusual for her.

"Hi MJ, is something the matter?" She asked, watching the taller girls move her body so they were facing each other now.

"No, I just-uh, just wanted to talk with you about things. Multiple different things."

'Oh Irene, here it comes. She figured it out. Or maybe she didn't...and this was be the opportunity to actually tell her." Elara thought to herself, going over the different possibilities in her mind of what MJ could tell her.

The curly haired girl let out a sigh before saying, at the same time of   Tre r

"I know you're Angel."

"I'm the superhero, Angel."

Both of them froze, staring at each other.

"Wait, I was right? Holy crap, I was right." She said the second part after the angel had nodded her head. "So you have wings?"

"Yeah, what did you think these were?" She turned to show her the black wings tattooed into her back, "I'll show you later."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Oh , she knew she would get this question at some point.

"Because I-I-I didn't want to worry anyone about me or my safety. I was scared that if I told anyone that they would be in danger from the bad people and I couldn't do that to you and I was also scared that you would get scared and not want to be my-" Elara's words were cut off by MJ's lips.

Her friend held the sides of her face softly as she kissed her, her thumbs stroking the edges of her skin. The angel's body stood frozen for a second as she had never done this before, with anyone, female, male or anything in between. Their lips moved together slightly, Elara's mouth moving on instinct.

When MJ pulled back, she was excepting to see her friend looking at her with a disgust. But she was meant with something more of a cross between shock and confusion.

"That was the other thing I wanted to tell you.." The taller girl said quietly, breaking the overlaying silence on them.

Elara said anything, moving her eyes to look at the ground.

"I've ruined us, haven't I?"

Her wide blue eyes shot up from the ground and looked at her like she had said something crazy. "No, no, no, no, no, it's not like that. Just that that was- I've never kissed a girl before, anyone really for that matter. And besides-"

"You like Peter." MJ said, cutting her off and giving her a almost sad smile as she was still happy for her friend that she was in love, even if it wasn't with her.

+When Angels Fall+ Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now