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'No. You are not my father.'


"I don't have it."

Elara could here a mans voice come from in side the familiar building. She had never been inside this place before but she had seen it from afar when she found Gamora on this very planet. She could feel two peoples auras, one scared and the other determined and confident. Thanos.

"Everyone in the galaxy knows you'd sell your own brother if you thought it would add even the slightest trinket to your pathetic collection." Definitely Thanos. She had grown up with that voice.

Peter snuck up into the room in front of everyone else. He put a fist up in the air to signal the rest of them to stop but they just walked by him. Elara stood next to him, her head turned to the side as she stared at him, not knowing what he was trying to do.

He looked around and jumped slightly when he saw Elara before he continued. Elara 'bamfed' into a puff of gold dust and appeared next to her sister, who was hiding behind a box like tower.

"I know you have the Reality Stone, Tivan. Giving it to me will spare you a great deal of suffering." The angel girl watched the large purple skinned man walk closer to a short white haired man who was laid on the ground. Thanos placed the bottom of his shoe on the mans chest and pressed down.

"I told you," the man stammered, "I sold it. Why would I lie?"

"I imagine it's like breathing for you." He said as he leaned down slightly.

"Like s-suicide."

"You do understand." He grinned, "Not even you would surrender something so precious."

"I didn't know what it was."

"Then you're more of a fool than I took you for." He leaned back keeping his foot on the mans chest.

"It's him." Drax said quietly from Elaras right.

"Last chance, charlatan," He pressed down making the white haired man wheeze. "Where's the stone?"

"Finally.." Drax whispered making both Star-lord and Angel look at him worriedly.

"Drax. Drax." They frantically whispered at try and get his attention, trying to stop him from attacking Thanos. "...he pays for the deaths of my wife and daughter."

"Drax, wait." "Not yet, Not yet, Not yet."

Peter moved around some of the towers and ran in front of Drax, putting his hands on his chest to try and stop him. Elara put a hand on his shoulder, sending positive thoughts to his mind.

"Drax. Drax. Drax. Listen to me," Peter whispered as he pushed Drax back, away from the titan. "He doesn't have the stone yet. If we get it, then we can stop him. We have to get the stone first. Yeah."

"No. No. For Ovette, for Camaria." Drax said as he pushed Peter aside but, Mantis quickly put her hand on the back of his head and said, "Sleep." Making the grey man fall fast alseep. But sadly his body went forward and he hit the ground with a large thud.

Everyone dropped to the ground as soon as Thanos was alerted of their presence. Elara watched he he picked up the white haired man, Tivan, and threw him into one of the glass cages.

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