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'Yay! I have mental illnesses!"

"Did you send in your applications yet?"

After the whole 'people throwing bricks through the windows' at Peter and Aunt May's old place, they moved in with Happy. It was a two bedroom apartment, one of those rooms was Happy's while the other guest room was Elara's.

Since Pepper didn't have an apartment in the city and Elara went to school there, she had her own room at Happy's place for during the week, teleporting home for dinners and to hang out.

It was an arrangement Tony had talked to Happy about before Morgan or even meeting Elara, just a plan for the future. He was her godfather after all.

Peter felt weird about sleeping in Elara's room while she wasn't there, not that he was doing anything inappropriate but still. He had also already stolen a shirt from her to sleep in with his boxers.

"I just finished my MIT one. You?"

"Same." Not that she would tell Peter, but she was genuinely nervous about going to college. It was the work or the worry that they wouldn't be able to adapt to her disability, it was getting in that worried her.

Her mom had told her before this all started that because she was smart, an IQ level about 150, and was good with people, not to mention the fact that she was a Stark. But with everything that was happening with Spider-Man, she wasn't sure if they would want that drama at their school. Any of them.

"Can you imagine if we both got in? And MJ and Ned?" Peter said, laying her in bed while she was back at the cabin with her mom and sister.

"I'm excited! But won't we have to get solarships to actually go?" He smiled at her mispronunciation at the word 'scholarships.'

"Come on, you got the scores and the grades and-" you're a Stark. That's what he was going to say but she cut him off before he could finish and that was probably a good thing.

"You think I'm being too pragmatic." Another word she learned from MJ.

"No, no, no, no, no. Well...kind of. It's okay. It's one of my favorite things about you. Besides, this is a new experience for you, but this time, it's college and it's new for all of us."



"What are some of your other favorite things about me?"

"I love your restless pessimism." She smiled at his sarcasm, nodding, "I am just full of doom and gloom."

"I really like how you are a total introvert."

"People just suck."

"You hate music."

"It's just a much of beeping and noises, not for me."


It made her happy to be talking to Peter over the phone. Especially after all the times she called him, hoping he would answer during the Blip. It was nice to hear his voice before sleeping.

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