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"I'm Elara! But everyone calls me Angel."

Timidly, quite unlike her at all, Elara stood up from where she had been sitting the last few minutes after the magic man had revealed what he saw. The others had dispersed as they processed this information, making sure not to stray to far on the unknown planet.

The winged girl walked over to the wizard, who hadn't moved from his spot at all, and quietly asked, "Would you mind if I fixed that for you?"

He looked at her confused as he didn't know what she talked about before she pointed to the three scratches from his forehead to his temple. He nodded once he understood, mostly out of curiosity about what she was going to do.

Elara sat next to with her legs crossed, her front facing his side. She raised her hands so her fingers were hovering away from his face. Gold strings of light connected from the pads of her fingers to the cuts on the side of his face, like she had done with Thor and many others. Slowly, his cut skin was starting to fuse back together.

When she was still living with Thanos, before she had ever met the Guardians of the Galaxy, he abused this power after every time he had destroyed a planet. Because of this, and partly because she was now part of the Guardians, her body produced enough energy so that she could do more than just close small cuts.

"What's your name?" She asked out of curiosity as she broke the silence. She didn't look up from what she was doing.

"It's Strange." He said simply as he watched what she was doing, being an retried surgeon and all, it was quite fascinating.

"I won't judge." She said innocently, not realizing that that was his last name.

He chuckled slightly, trying not to move as to not break the gold strings of light, "My name is Doctor Stephan Strange."

Elara looked up at him for a second as she had finished and the three cuts were now complete gone without a trace. They weren't very deep to begin with.

"Well then, it's very nice to meet you Mr. Doctor Strange." She gave him a kind smile before standing up to walk around. What Elara didn't notice was the pair of eyes following her.

Tony had heard their conversation and watched how she had healed Strange. There was something about her that made him think that she didn't belong here, during this. It could be her optimistic and naïve personality or the fact that he just didn't know anything about her really.

"Hey Angel!" He called, making her whip around and start walking towards him as her wings folded behind her.

"Can you fix this?" He asked as he pointed to the deep bruise on his cheek that went along his cheekbone.

She nodded enthusiastically with a smile before she pointed to some wreckage behind them with a flat surface. He, reluctantly, sat down as she sat the same way she had with Mr. Doctor Strange.

The golden strings of light, that looked like some kind of surgery laser to him, connected to him. Because the bruise is caused both outside and under the first few layers of skin, it took longer than a cut or scrape.

"How are you feeling?" She asked calmly, "You know besides trying to come up with a way to save half the universe."

"You know, as well as you could in this kind of scenario." Tony said as he let her work, his cheek feeling tingly because of her powers.

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