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'Cause we're nice.'


Elara sat in the back of the ship as she giggled at Peters singing along to 'The Rubberband Man' soundtrack. Twirling her finger in figure eights in the air, two white feathers circled around each others like dancing ballerinas.

"Sing it Drax!" Peters loud voice yelled to the alien that was already asleep in the chair in front of his own. Her sister, Gamora sat in the seat next to Drax, lip-synching along with the song, as Elara was doing earlier herself.

Rocket yawned from the co-pilots seat, causing Elara to look up as he began to talk, "Why are we doing this again?"

"It's a distress signal, Rocket. Someone could be dying." Gamora answered, briefly looking but at Rocket.

"I get that, but why are we doing it?"

"Cause we're nice." The winged girl said from the back mindlessly as she wasn't paying that much attention to the conversation and more to the dancing feathers.

Peter looked over at Rocket and added, "And maybe whoever it is will give us a little cheddar cheese for our effort."

"Which isn't the point." Elara's sister quickly added.

"Which isn't the point...I mean, if he doesn't pony up..." Peter continues before Drax finished with, "We take his ship."

"Exactly!" "Bingo!"

Gamora turned around and glared at Peter which he shook off.

Mantis, who sat next Elara next at the monitor said, "We are arriving."

Peter sat up in the pilots chair and said, "All right, Guardians, don't forget this might be dangerous so let's put on our mean faces."

The sounds of Groots video game, which Elara didn't know what it was until Peter gave it to Groot, filled the ship as Groot rolled his eyes like the pouty teenager he was. The angel girl was looking over his shoulder at the fascinating game as she had gotten distracted once again by the pretty colors.

The only human on the ship turned his head to Groot and his game, saying, "Groot put that thing away, now. I don't want to tell you again."

The beeping and button pushing continued.


"I am Groot!" The tree said in a mocking/angry way back, which made everyone shout at him and Elara shy away.



"Groot, don't say that stuff in front of Elara. We didn't need her learning that!"


"You got some acorns on you, kid."

Rocket turned around in his chair to look back on his tree friend and scold him. "Ever since you got a little sap, you're a total d-hole."

Groot only glanced at him for a second then went back to his game. Elara narrowed her eyes down and furrowed her brows, trying to figure out what 'd-hole' meant.

"Now, keep it up, and I'm gonna smash that thing to pieces!" Rocket threatened but, it had no affect before the ship went through the wormhole.

Once the blinding light of the teleporter stopped, everyone could see the horrible sight in front of them.

A wreckage it appeared to look like, various bodies frozen over, you whistled used to the carnage of things like this. It's always sad when things like this happen to the innocent.

Putting her hand over her mouth, Elara looked in shock at the floating graveyard.
She had seen this before and had done this before, but it never stopped to hurt her, deep in her heart.

"Oh my god."

"Looks like we're not getting paid."

"I think we're past that."

As the others talked, Elara kept her eyes trained on the dead bodies, which probably wasn't a good thing. She had been around this stuff her whole life and knew exactly who did it. She knew all to well.

Her depression inducing thoughts were cut off by a body slamming right onto the front window. Everyone let out screams of alarms, Elara jumped right up into Drax's arms as they all continued to scream.

"Wipers! Wipers! Get it off!" Rocket screeched.

And the mans eyes opened and everyone screamed again.

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