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"Oh, I'm over here."


Arriving on Titan was... nostalgic to say the least. Everything was destroyed with large pieces of debris hanging in the air, much different then the Guardians of the Galaxy thought but not unexpected. This was the first planet Thanos 'saved.' His own home planet.

Elara looked out the windshield at the front of the ship at the broken planet before her. Star shaped ships were crumbling along with buildings and such. The Guardians of the Galaxy had been there for an hour as they waited for Thanos. She narrowed her cerulean eyes at the dust orange atmosphere.

A Q-Ship had entered the atmosphere at an alarming rate, coming down faster and faster. The Q-Ship had always looked like a Earthern food called a doo-nut. It ran into one of the broken ships, the bottom half of breaking off completely and crashing down. The top half of the ship skidded to a stop, the top of it flaming and smoking up.

"Uhh...Peter? I think he's here." Elara called to the back. The man in question immediately popped his head up and jogged over to her, following her finger to see where she was pointing.

"Alright, team! It's time." Peter yelled to other to making their way over to the front themselves. "Angel, can you get us in there?" The human asked, making her think for a second before nodding.

"Hold on." She said, Mantis grabbed onto her hand while the other two grabbed onto her arms. Her pupils became increasingly smaller as she narrowed her eyes at the broken ship, unable to teleport them if she didn't have an entrance in.

They were gone in a cloud of golden smoke.


After some teleporting around, they made it to the entrance of the ships main cockpit. There were three people standing in the middle, two of them bigger than the one hanging from the ceiling. Peter put a finger to his lips, telling them to be quiet as he rolled a blast ball in the middle of them.

They all ran in, weapons at the ready as Draw roared, "THANOS!" Before throwing his daggers at one of them, which blocked them with a magical orange shield. The magical man extended a hand towards Drax and his cape flew and wrapped around his head, sending him on his back.

Quill was fighting the metal man in the air while Maria had went off the deal with the other one. Elara pulled out her matching katanas and flew towards the magician. She used her wings to push him back with the force of the wind caused by them before lunging towards him and slicing. The metal of her blades were blocked by another one of his magic shields.

She heard a ladylike gasp coming from behind her but ignored it, thinking that it could have been Quill. Elara teleported, leaving a puff of gold smoke, before the bottoms of her shoes where pressed against his back and one of her blades was up to his neck. The magic man pushed a orange shield through himself and threw her back off of him. Elara tumbled but landed on her feet in a kneeling.

Peter shot at the spider person who quickly used its gold spider legs attached to its back. It dropped back and jumped at Peter, who quickly threw a electric rope at it and brought him down.

"Die, blanket of death!" Elara could hear Draw yell as he tried to pull the cape off his face. The magical man grabbed Elara, her back to his chest and his forearm against her neck.

Peter had the spider person held the same way Elara was with his gun to its head. The metal man had a foot on Drax with one hand blaster towards him and the other pointed to Peter. Solid gold feathers were pointed towards all the men's necks. Elara disappeared in a puff of small smoke, that the wizard man didn't notice, and quickly replaced herself with a pile of debris. She sat on a metal box and watched.

"Everybody stay where you are. Chill the eff out." Peter said, before clicking his mask off and continuing, "I'm gonna ask you this one time. Where is Gamora?" He had his gun pointed to the metal man.

The metal man also clicked off his helmet, revealing a middle aged man with nice facial hair, dark eyes and matching hair. "Yeah, I'll do you one better. Who's Gamora?" He asked, making Elaras eyebrows furrow. Maybe they weren't working with him.

"I'll do you one better. Why is Gamora?" Drax said from the ground, making the Angel almost burst into laughter.

"Tell me where the girl is or I swear to you I'm gonna French fry this little freak- where is Angel?" Peter asked, his voice going from angry and menacing to confused and worried towards the end, now noticing Elara gone from sight.

"Oh, I'm over here." She said innocently as she raised her hand, the suddenness of her voice making them all look over to her. Elara sat crisscross on a metal container with her wings partly wrapped around her.

"Sneaky devil.." Peter muttered under his breath, slightly impressed by the way she snuck way without them noticing at all.

"Let's do it. You shoot my guy and I'll blast him. Let's go!" The metal man said, the blaster pointed at Drax grew 2 times its original size.

"Do it, Quill! I can take it." The grey man said confidently.

"No, he can't take it!" Mantis yelled from beside Elara, her body covered in whit, sticky webs.

"She's right. You can't."

"Oh, yeah? You don't wanna tell me where she is? That's fine. I'll kill all three of you and I'll beat it out of Thanos myself. Starting with you." Peter growled as he pressed the front of his gun harder against the spider persons head. Elara put a hand over her mouth at the drama that was unfolding, like the ones on the magic box Peter told her about.

"Wait, what, Thanos?" The magic man asked in confusion, "All right, let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve?"

"What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, 'Jesus?'" Peter asked with visible confusion.

The metal man turned his head to the side, annoyed, before turning and back to the rest and said plainly, "You're from Earth."

"I'm not from Earth, I'm from Missouri."

"Yeah, that's on Earth, dipshit. What you are hassling us for?" The metal man said.

"So you're not with Thanos?" The meek voice of the spider person asked quietly. Probably a boy but she can't tell yet.

"With Thanos? No, I'm here to kill Thanos. He took my girl. Wait, who are you?" Peter asked, pulling his gun away from the boy. The spider boys mask came off revealing a boy, looking around Elaras age, even tho she was hundreds of years old in Earth years, with neatly combed dark brown hair and matching eyes. He was quite cute for a Terran.

"We're the Avengers, man." He said simply, a little confused himself.

As she put the dots together, Elara said excitedly, "You're the ones Thor told us about!"

The bearded metal man looked at her for a second with an unreadable expression before looking at Peter. "You know Thor?"

"Yeah. Tall guy, not that good looking, needed saving." Peter said as both of the youngest look at him confused.

"And you told me lying was bad.." Elara said quietly under her breath, not noticing the look Peter gave her.

"Where is he now?" The wizard man asked.

+When Angels Fall+ Peter ParkerOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara