Yandere Carol x Reader x Yandere Pico

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(TW: fighting, general yandereness, and that's about it besties)

The bustling lights of the city is almost blinding, you and your friend, Carol, are going to get ice cream just like what friends do! Carol thoughts of it as a date but... friends go on dates with each other, right?

With ice creams in hand, you and Carol walk around the city with its loud ambience and bright lights. The blissful ignorance of not knowing that eyes were watching the two, staring in anger at Carol.

Pico gripped his uzi tighter, who the hell did this girl think she is? Going out with HIS (Y/N)? This girl must be out of her damn mind do go out with somebody who was as beautiful as (Y/N).

Carol and (Y/N) walk more, seemingly walking in a never ending city. (Y/N) feels Carol's arm tighten around theirs, "Hey (Y/N)..." Carol whispers "Try to stay close to me ok? I don't want any of those filthy people looking at you, I just want you to be safe." "Don't worry about it too much Carol, I'll be ok." You reassure, but Carol's face doesn't get any less worried. "I'm just, just really scared dude. I love..." You weren't able to hear the last part of Carol's sentence due to her mumbling too much.

Ugh! Pico just couldn't stand Carol just- just- being their with his (Y/N)! He'll have to do something, whether he'll get (Y/N) or die trying to.

"So, where to next?" Carol chimed, "Um... can we go home now? I'm tired..." You state. Carol frowned, she didn't in all honesty want this day (that felt like heaven) to end. "Alrighty! Home it is then-" "Not so fast toots."

Carol's eyes widen as Pico points his uzi directly at her head. "What do you want Pico?" Carol says, bluntly. "Oh nothing, just seeing you and (Y/N) makes me sad, (Y/N) deserves a wayyyy better person then you!" Pico yelled, Carol began to crack her knuckles. You didn't know in all honesty what was going on, so you just held onto Carol's hand. "Back off Pico, they're mine. Now just let me take them home."

"BAHAHAH!" Pico burst out laughing, "You really think that they're yours'? Boy are you funny Carol!" Carol's eyes squinted and let go of your hand, she looked the most pissed off person in the world right now, all because of that ginger kid with an uzi. Carol looked at you with a sorry look on her face. "(Y/N), you can go home without me, this fight will be a bit...messy." "Nah! Let em' stay! Besides, whoever wins this battle gets (Y/N)!" Pico boasted. Carol cracked her knuckles, "Alrighty, let's dance."

(A/N: Lmao I didn't know what to do so I'm just gonna make this into parts and shit.)

Word count: 484

Yandere Friday Night Funkin x Reader Oneshots! (Closed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora