Yandere Senpai x Reader

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(Quick thing! Reader is Gender Neutral and that's really about it lmao)

A fresh crimson was painted practically all over the walls of the boys' bathroom. Bodies lay everywhere. Senpai's breathing begins to slow, as he his mouth begins to shape into a smile.

"Aahh... haha. That's what they get for looking at my darling."  He muttered to himself.

The bell rang signaling to all students in the school that school is over for the day. Senpai only had one thing on his mind then, "I need to wash these clothes."


As the sun began to set, You began to walk home from school. On your face was a very visible smile, happy that school was over, but that smile immediately faded as you heard a noise from behind you. "(Y/N)! My darling~"

Oh. Great. It's Senpai. Just what you needed.

"(Y/N), I haven't seen your beautiful face all day!" Senpai whines. "It has been making my heart ache." "Well maybe because you and your posse of girls have been bothering me all week!" You retort. Senpai steps back, slightly hurt by your response. "I'll tell them to go away if it means you and I can spend more time together!" "Yeah sure." You don't actually believe he'll make them go away, they'll turn up eventually again. "Looks like it's getting late, let me take you home deary!" Senpai chimes, holding out his hand to you as you stop moving. "Uh, I don't think that's necessary- woah!"

Senpai sweeps you off your feet and picks you up bridal style. "But I insist honeybuns! You would have to walk even a centimeter on the way!" Senpai says. You eventually decide to give in, besides, your house is kinda far from the school. Plus, it hurts your feet to walk from your home and to school. However, you weren't thinking about one thing, how did senpai know where you live?

As Senpai drops you off at your house, You thank him for carrying you there. You were questioning on how he walked to your house while carrying you and not getting tired. "Thanks for carrying me all the way here. I guess." You mutter out, Senpai giggles in response. "Ah no problem dearest! I'll see you tomorrow!" Once Senpai finishes speaking, you shut the door on him and go to bed. You really needed some sleep.

——Time skip——

You could hear your alarm clock going off, you turn your head to see what time it was, 7:30. Just enough time to get up and do your morning routine and go to school. Once you're finished with said routine, you head to school on your bike, and ride the way there.

School felt empty today. Suspiciously empty. You could've sworn that at least some kids would be here, even if it was 8:00 am. Did something happen and nobody told you? Was there some holiday that you never heard of that the school was celebrating? You ponder these questions as you slowly walk to the school, gripping onto your backpack, fearing the worse.

When you look inside the school your eye widens and jaw drops, there is blood and bodies everywhere. It looks like if they let Michael Meyers loose into the school. You fumble with your backpack before acquiring your phone. As you go to the phone app and dial 911, a hand slaps you when you try to dial the last 1.

"What do you think you're doing sweetheart?" You look up, it's Senpai! "Senpai what the fuck?" You yelled. "What the hell are you doing?" "No need to be so loud sweetie pie! I can hear you!" "Why would you murder those people?" You shout, furious at Senpai. Senpai pats your head, "Don't worry darling, they were bothering you! So I decided to get rid of them!" "That doesn't mean kill them idiot!" "Oh darling, you aren't looking at it the right way! You and I will be here forever just the two of us!"


(A/n: this is completely different than the Yandere alphabet lmao)

Word Count: 683

Yandere Friday Night Funkin x Reader Oneshots! (Closed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang