Yandere Mommy Mearest x Reader

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(Art by Pineapples69)

(H/l) = Hair Length

(h/c) = Hair Color

(S/T) = skin tone

Today was the best day in the history of best days. At least, according to you. You are going to a concert to see one of your favorite pop stars, Mommy Mearest! You couldn't believe it yourself, you managed to snag yourself a ticket when they sold out 5 minutes after you bought yours.

You couldn't hold your excitement.


Finally, after 2 hours of driving, you have arrived at the concert area. There is a huge line out of the concert's entrance, so much to your dismay, you're gonna have to wait for a while. Just great.

Meanwhile, Mommy Mearest was backstage, preparing her makeup for the first song of the night. Although she'll never admit it, she was pretty nervous to preform. Maybe it was because she broke off with her husband not too long ago? Eh, who is she kidding, of course it was that. "Maybe," she thought to herself, "Maybe I'll find somebody else at this concert." But then she laughed it off. That could never happen.



After 2 hours of driving and 25 minutes of waiting in line, you finally were at the concert. There were Mommy Mearest simps everywhere, it's like the concert was a breeding ground for them. Along with the simps, there is a bar and a merch stand. But those didn't interest you, you weren't much of a drinker and you also had plenty of Mommy Mearest merch, so you went straight to the crown of it all: the concert stage.

The concert stage was very big, along with a few hundred seats in audience that look like they were going to fill up in five minutes. You managed to get to your seat without "Excuse me-ing" very many people. Luckily for you, you managed to get one of the front seats, so you could see Mommy Mearest up close. But then the spotlights turned on: the show was about to start.

Mommy Mearest began to sing her heart out once she entered on stage. She saw her adoring fans screaming about how good the song was. As a part of the dance routine, she walked across the edge of the stage looking at her fans, when one caught her eye. They had (h/l) (h/c) hair, their skin was a nice (S/T) color, and they had the most beautiful face Mommy Mearest had ever seen. She couldn't help but stare.

Your face began to blush, was Mommy Mearest looking at you? This feels like a dream, this couldn't be real- NOW SHE JUST WINKED AT YOU! Even if this was a dream, you didn't want to wake up, this felt to good to be true! You kept cheering through the rest of the concert, while Mommy Mearest kept staring at you.


Woah. That was a night. After the amazing performance, you felt pretty thirsty (and NOT because of Mommy Mearest), so you decided to get a drink at the bar. Most of the fans were gone, so it was just you, some of the staff, some fans (although not much) and that was it. But then, a purple skinned pop star began to walk towards the bar and sat next to you. Holy fuckballs, it was Mommy Mearest!

"One margarita please." She ordered quickly, the bartender immediately got to work on her drink, then, Mommy Mearest turned her sights towards you. "Aren't you the cute pie," she complimented, "I saw you during my performance, you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. What's your name, sweetie pie?" "O-oh! It's (Y/N)" you reply, obviously flustered. Mommy Mearest giggled back, "Ooh you're so adorable! Want something to drink? It's on the house!" You nodded your head, free drinks along with Mommy Mearest flirting with you? This feels like heaven!

After talking with Mommy Mearest for a couple of minutes, you couldn't help but feel a little bit uncomfortable. It felt like you were asking too much about her, although, Mommy Mearest didn't seem to mind. "Uh, hey, I think I'm gonna go." You muttered, "Thanks for the drinks." You say as you left the bar. Mommy Mearest looked annoyed and sad, but not before sliding a $100 bill to the bartender, "Keep the change." She whispered, before running to her car and driving after you.

You got home safely. You were just so exhausted, you didn't really do much besides brush your teeth then go to bed.

However, you didn't know that something, or someone was watching you. "We will be together, babydoll. Just you wait." Mommy Mearest whispered.

Word count: 782

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