Yandere! Tankman x Reader

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Today was a pretty uninteresting day. You were on your phone looking at social media while on the bed like you always do. Luckily for you, it was the weekend so you didn't have to do much.

It comes to your attention when your light begins to flicker. It flickers again. And again. And again. Suddenly, it stops flickering and lights go out. All of them. Every single one.

The power must've gone out obviously. But you couldn't quite figure out why. It was quite sunny out so it couldn't have been the weather. You live quite far away from the woods so it most likely wasn't an animal.

Then it hit you. Somebody must be tampering with the fusebox outside! You exit the comfort of your room and bed to try to find the fusebox. But then you heard footsteps, footsteps that weren't yours. Then, those footsteps came with a voice,

"Come out come out babycakes! Where are you~" the voice teased. It sounded like it was coming from the front door to your house, then the footsteps picked up so you began to book it to the bathroom, shut the door, and lock it. While in your haste you accidentally shut the door loudly alerting the fusebox-destroyer to your location.

"I know your not far from me. You shutting that door loudly wasn't a very bright idea babe." The voice sounded rather familiar. Wait a minute... is Tankman in your house? Did he try to destroy your fusebox? So many unanswered questions rang inside of your head. You can hear tankman's foot steps get louder and louder, you can also feel your heart beat out of your chest. What would he do if he finds you?

"I'll find out where you are eventually baby. It's only inevitable." Tankman snarked, somewhat in a sing-songy way. "Looks like you're not far. I can hear your every breath from here."  You can hear him slamming open every door to your house, your heart beats faster and faster as your breath becomes more sharp and heated. "You're not in here are you... or are you in..."

"HERE!...no." Tankman first shouted out which then turned into a mutter which you could barely hear. "Or maybe my darling is in... HERE!....no." You couldn't see it from your bathroom, but you can tell he's getting mad. "Just come out already babe! I hope you know that I am NOT a very patient man."

You can hear him swing door to door open, each time getting more and more angry. Until he got to where you were hiding.

Inside the bathroom.

The doorknob jiggled.

"Oh? Looks like it's locked." Tankman sighed during the middle of his sentence. "Guess I'll have to-"

The door budged.

The door budged a second time.

The door budged a third time, it looked like it was gonna fly off of its hinges.

For the fourth time, the door flew open revealing Tankman. His frown quickly turning into a grin when he sees you. "(Y/N), baby, you didn't think that it would be that easy to keep me out of here. Did you?" Tankman spits in your face, grabbing the collar of your shirt. Cowering, you slowly begin to move away from him but then Tankman picks you up. "Well I know just the way to fix your scaredy-catness right now and get you to love me," he paused for a moment. "Some cuddles~"

Word count: 581

Yandere Friday Night Funkin x Reader Oneshots! (Closed)Where stories live. Discover now