Yandere! Valerie x Reader

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(Art made by readraws_ on Twitter!)

The dock creaked with every step you took on it, it almost sounded like the dock was gonna break the next step you took.

Nobody else was on the dock at this hour except for two people: You, and some other girl who you didn't know.

You were curious, you felt semi compelled to ask why this person was on the dock when the sun was about to set. When you tapped the girl on the shoulder, she tensed up.

"A-ah!" She cried out, "Oh, er, hi. Can I help you or something?" "Why are you out here at 7 pm? I thought the dock would be closed to everybody right now..." You asked. The girl got visibly clammy, "Well-uh....I....ehehe...." She nervously explained, "It's a very long story, but if you really wanna know, I like to sing near the ocean when the sun sets."

You smiled warmly, "See? That wasn't that long of a story." "Ye-yeah I guess hehehe.." after she said that you both went quiet. "Uhm..." The girl mumbled, "do you think we can sing together?" "Like a duet?" You questioned, she nodded her head. "I'd love to!" You exclaimed, "oh and by the way, I never caught your name." "Oh, I-I'm sorry. My name is Valerie." Valerie muttered, it sounded like she was embarrassed to say that. "That's a nice name!" You complimented, Valerie blushed at that. "Alright so uh... let's sing!"

"Wow! Y-you're amazing at singing!" She gleamed,  you smiled back warmly. Valerie looked so happy, it looked like she was gonna explode from happiness. "Do you mind...uh.. if we sang another song?" You looked at your watch, it was 7:45. You needed to be home soon. "Uh sorry Valerie, but maybe tomorrow." You told her, her face immediately changed from happiness to gloom. "Oh..." Valerie whimpered, it looked like she was going to cry.  You didn't really know what to say next, so you began to walk away, before you heard Valerie's footsteps running up behind you before she tapped you on the shoulder. "I forgot to ask you...uh... what is your name?" She mumbled, you told her that your name is (Y/n) before waving bye to her.

"(Y/N)...(Y/N)...(Y/N)..." Valerie whispered softly, smiling to herself. She'll keep you close to her heart, forever.

Over the past few days, you kept visiting Valerie. Little do you know, that every day you came back to her, love was pumping into her veins. She kept asking you to stay longer and sing more songs, hell, she even let you see her pop star form!

One day, you went to see Valerie on the dock as usual. She was in her pop star form which is pretty rare for her, Valerie waved at you when she saw you. "Hey (Y/N)! Wanna sing?" "Uh, not now Valerie." You reply, Valerie's mood turned sour when you said that. "I just kinda wanna look at the sunset right now."

Valerie was a little upset that you didn't wanna sing with her, but hey! Looking at the sunset is really pretty, it's almost as beautiful as-

"Hey (Y/N)?" she asked, "do you mind if I told you something?" "Oh no not at all!" You exclaimed. "Uhm, I've been meaning to tell you this since we met but...I love you!" A noticeable blush appears on her face, your body begins to fill up with guilt, you don't like her back, you had to find a polite way to reject her.

"I'm sorry, Valerie, but I don't like you back..."

Those words felt like a knife through her heart, how could you not like her back?!?! She had been nothing but kind to you and you don't return the feelings for her?

"So all this time you've been visiting me was just to give me false hope??" She yelled, visibly fuming. You put your hands up in defense before Valerie grabbed a fistful of your hair and slamming your head against the fence of the doc, knocking you unconscious.


You wake up in a room, it looked like some sort of bedroom. The walls were a dark pink and it had posters of music bands everywhere.

"Oh (Y/n)! You're up!" A familiar voice exclaims.
"Valerie?" You ask, "Valerie let me out!"
"No can do, I can't let things go that are mine, and mine forever."

Requests Qued (No particular order):

Yandere Darnell Alphabet

Yandere Tabi x Reader x Yandere gf P2

Yandere Cheeky x Reader

Yandere Peakek x Reader

Yandere Tankman x reader P2

Random Headcanons P2

Yandere Mommy Mearest x Reader

Word count: 787

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