Chapter 8 || Kusuo's POV

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I finally got to talk to Y/n at lunch. To avoid the morons from bugging us, I pulled her outside. She had already put up a fight today and wasn't done yet. She continued struggling like I was harassing her. Then again, electric shocks did keep exploding at our touch.

Finally we made it to the tree.

"We need to talk about you." I told Y/n, letting her soft hand drop. My hands almost missed her small hand in mine, other than the annoying shocks that popped between us.

"And why the hell whenever I touch you do I get zapped-" my lips turned into a scowl- "are you a jelly fish or something?"

"Its a sign we should mind our own business," she said, pulling her hand to her chest. I questioned her about herself, poking and prodding for any information. She gave me a song and dance about her trust issues. What a pain. Females were so dramatic.

She wanted to be a quiet loner, strange. This definitely meant she was hiding something. No girl as pretty as her would want to stay quiet unless there was something holding her back.

"Y/n, you're a pretty girl. No matter how hard you try to cover yourself up, you'll still be pretty. I don't find anything attractive about you other than your mysterious ways, which other people dislike, so don't get the wrong idea." I tried to find her eyes, but they were hiding underneath her dark bangs. She shifted away and I sensed an increased temperature on her cheeks. Did she just blush?

"I need to know what is different about you. There's no secret you're special, just how?" I wanted to know more about her. She captivated me.

"Good luck earning my trust," she said. Her eyes flickered with pain. I was determined to do so. Maybe having one friend would pay off. Good grief, I sound like a moron but I mean it.

When school was over, I walked Y/n home. She told me about her home life, but it wasn't anything I hadn't known or expected.

"I love my parents, they just don't get me some times."

"I know how you feel," I said. My parents were bipolar with each other, so they were obviously a little mental. I'm sure their psychic son with pink hair probably scrambled their brains a bit, so I couldn't really blame them.

She stopped and eyed Cafe Mami. "You gonna get a job there?" I asked. Maybe I would come more often if she did. I'd stopped going there because they changed it to a maid cafe in order to boost business. On the bright side...Y/n in a uniform... the teenage part of me thought.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go apply right now, actually. So get on with your life and stop stalking me." She walked in and I stayed behind. A grin lifted my lips. She had some spice. I didn't need to be close, so I walked behind the corner. I could hear her conversation safely. It seemed like everything was going well, but I wished I could implant thoughts in her head to give her extra credits.

"Hey pal!" said a voice from behind me, scaring me to death. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I could have been orbiting the earth.

Nendou and Kaidou appeared behind me. What a pain. They always managed to track me down. "Was that y/n entering the shop I just saw?" asked Kaidou. I nodded.

"Is she getting a job there?" asked Nendou, budging Shun. Girls, he thought, and it didn't take my telepathy to understand what he was implying. Kaidou's cheeks reddened.

"Yes, so let's go leave her alone. I was just... let's go." My cheeks almost gave me away. Of course I didn't like her or anything, I just was curious, that's all.

Y/n in a maid uniform...thought Kaidou. Good grief, he was almost as bad as Toritsuka. Speaking of him, I wondered if he had gotten to her yet. I hoped not. If he has been harassing her, I might have to do something about it. I'd been too lenient on his perverted habits.

. . . . . . . . . 

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