Chapter 36 || Kusuo's POV

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The time was approaching. I got up  and paced around, anxious thoughts bombarding my head. What was I going to do if it didn't work out? Would I lose Y/n? Speaking of which, where was she right now... I tried to think of who she might be hanging out with but when I spied on the boys they weren't together.

Suddenly a loud sound wooshed in from the sky. I turned around to see a helicopter wurring in. What the- what was it coming for? And from?

I bent a hand to shield my eyes as I looked up. They couldn't have come at a worse time. The volcano would explode in T minus 30 minutes now. I had to time to deal with sight seers or whatever the hell these morons were. Then the helicopter landed, a bit wonky. What kind of lunatic would drive a helicopter over a volcano anyways? Clearly this one wasn't experienced.

As the wind rustled around the landing helicopter, leaves scattered around me and a dust cloud faded my view. I coughed and waved it away as I squinted to get a better look. I had to analyze the situation of whether I would need to kill, teleport, or erase memories from them. Eventually the dust faded and I caught a glimpse through the window.

There way no way... I saw a certain purple haired pervert... Toritsuka?! What the hell was he doing here? And how did he learn how to fly a helicopter?

Suddenly the doors open and out stepped two more people. I squinted and was overcome by yet another shockwave. The gyaru was here as well as... Y/n.

"Saiki!" Toritsuka shouted, walking towards me with his palms outstretched. He wore a goofy smile as if he was encountering an old friend. He went in for a dap but I rejected his advantages and instead met the two girls.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

"You're in danger, Kusuo, you can't do this alone."

"What do you know?" I scoffed. Y/n was still unable to control her powers properly and yet here she was trying to play Mommy. But she did (not) have the assets for that role.

"Auira's a psychic. She saw the disaster when you failed to extinguish the volcano."

"Why should I believe that?"

"Why else would we travel a thousand miles over here in a helicopter that we had to trust Toritsuka with? This is serious, Kusuo!"

"Speaking of which, how did that idiot manage to fly a helicopter?" I pointed my thumb behind me, referencing him but turns out he was right behind me and I ended up poking him in the eye. Serves him right.

"Oh, I let a ghost posess me. Surprised we landed alright because the reason he's dead is because of a helicopter crash."

"What?!" Aiura, the so called psychic screamed.

"You drove us knowing we could have plummeted and died?"

"Hey, the chances were better than Saiki blowing us up." Toritsuka picked a booger from his nose and flung it. I dodged the projection.

"For the record it wouldn't have been my fault. I don't control nature."

"Oh wow, Kusuo had a weakness!" Y/n exclaimed.

"GUYS! Now's not the time for jokes. There's less than 30 minutes until it explodes. What the hell are we gonna do?" Aiura frantically huffed. So she was psychic? How else would she know the time it would erupt..

"Oh, btw, since the three of us are buddies and psychics now, that makes us the three musketeers."

"Hypocrite," I muttered in response to her early order.

"What about me!?" Toritsuka cried.

"Auira's right, we don't have time to joke around," Y/n straightened us out again. "We need to make a plan on how well combat this dumb mother mount."

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