Chapter 16 || Kusuo's POV

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I sensed footsteps belonging to a certain psychic female. A blue haired perfectionist accompanied her. They must be getting ready for the party. I wondered what Y/n was going to wear... I almost used clarvoyance but realized they were probably undressing as we spoke, and I wasn't desperate to the level of Toritsuka. I didn't care, anyways. How would Y/n's choice of clothing effect me? It wouldn't. 

Still, the thought of perverts like Reita eyeing her all night did irritate me a bit, but it didn't mean anything. What was I saying? Good grief, the ghost-whisperer's possessive habits must have gotten to me. I wondered how Teruhashi was treating her...

"I've had enough of this!" blurted Kaidou. I guess he'd grown sick of the 'terrifying' soda commercial.

"Are you really scared of a soda ad?" questioned Nendou, pushing his way into the frail boy's personal bubble.

"N-no, of course not! I'm just... I sense a dark force from this channel. The dark reunion must be hypnotizing you fools! We must turn this off before it infects us all and we become mindless minions." 

His Chunibyo delusions are back at it again. Kuboyasu was about to interject but a knock on the door prevented him. Yumehara Chiyo and and Mera Chisato had just arrived.

I sure hope Kaidou likes this dress! Yumehara thought. Mera's thoughts were, as always, occupied with food. I wonder if they have cheesecake... 

"Howdy!" shouted Nendou, slinging the door wide open. The door hit a picture on the wall and it fell down, shattering the frame. Takahashi rushed in from the kitchen with frosting on his lip. "Eating so soon?" interrupted Mera as he was screaming at Nendou. "Where's the food? What is there to eat? Can I eat?"

"Don't mind Chisato," stuttered Yumehara, struggling to restrain her rabid friend. "We'll just head upstairs to finish getting ready with Kokomi and Y/n." Mera retreated upstairs, still screaming for food in her internal thoughts.

"When will the rest of the people get here?" asked Kaidou. Takahashi shrugged but gave an estimate of 45 minutes. 

"Where's Toritsuka?" asked Nendou, noticing only one purple haired guy was here. The creep disappeared unnoticed. Suddenly I heard some commotion upstairs and got an uncomfortable feeling.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed a girl. We all looked upstairs and heard clattering and commotion.


I sighed. It was Reita Toritsuka. Of course he had slipped away from us to try to sneak a peek of the girls changing. Why wasn't I surprised? Good grief. He was really starting to irritate me.

"I'll save you!" shouted Kaidou as he dashed upstairs, holding his hand to his eye. Kuboyasu backed him up, shouting for Teruhashi. I was tempted to hit Reita again, but I could safely see the scene from downstairs. I hoped he didn't touch Y/n.

"I'm sorry!" screeched Toritsuka, scrambling down the stairs. 

"What the hell were you doing!?" demanded Kuboyasu, catching the perp and holding him by his collar, fist raised. 

"Yeah! Were you bothering the girls?!" piped in Kaidou, curling his fists into a ball. 

"N-no! I'm sorry! I was looking for the bathroom and accidentally walked in on them!" Toritsuka stuttered for excuses. His face was red with shame. I sighed, somewhat relieved- he was telling the truth. 

"It's down here you idiot!" Takahashi snapped, pulling him to the correct room. 

"You're lucky we were ready!" huffed Yumehara, stepping out of the room with her arms crossed. She was wearing a casual pink dress with a matching pink headband.

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