Chapter 23 || Y/n's POV

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Okay, I had to admit. I was impressed with the extent of Kusuo's powers. However, I was not ecstatic to be pressed against him- or at least I assumed, since he was still invisible- in a tight closet. It couldn't have been used for more than cleaning supplies. The room smelled musty. With every breath I drew in, I felt as if I were suffocating- from both the closeness and dry odor. Shelves poked at my left side, so I was forced to stand against the adjacent wall.

Saiki was cramped in front of me. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, his figure came into my focus. Invisibility must have warn off. I could see his chest rise and fall softly as he took in breaths. I tried to ignore the heat radiating off his body. He was warm, and he smelled of mint and fresh laundry.

"Kusuo..." I started, trying not to let my voice quiver. It felt strange to use his first name, especially in the given predicament. I didn't want to seem nervous. In order to remain his equal, I had to be just as passive as him. It didn't help to hear his heart pounding just as mine. With both of our enhanced hearing, there was no doubt we couldn't not hear it. Nevertheless we were smart enough to not point it out. It was just the rush from the prank, that's all. It couldn't be something else, could it?

"I'm not a fan either," he mumbled before I could complain. His forearm rested by my head, his other hand resting at his side. He turned his head as to not stare at me directly. "Just stay like this until the hall clears." In the dim light seeping from the closet, I made out his pronounced jawline and sharp side profile. Soft light glowed on his face, amplifying his unique features.

"Was this your plan all along, perv?" I whispered, trying to keep things playful. The atmosphere was starting to get a little too heavy. Then again, that could have just been the viruses from the molding around the wall trims we were breathing in. Kusuo turned to face me again. I couldn't be sure, but he might have smiled. A glint of light danced on his glasses. I thought I saw his eye line flicker to my lips.

Time seemed to tick by slowly, suffocating.

He let out a soft breath, like a small laugh. My stomach tickled as I felt his warm breath on my face. He wasn't that much taller than me, but I still felt the extent of his masculinity. A strange urge to be feminine tugged on my heart. Something about this moment made my insides feel like goo.

I tried to raise my arms and push him, pushing the door open, but the resistance blocked me. My hands instead rested on his hard chest. Heat seeped into my palms. It felt comforting and right. My heart pounded faster at the close contact of the hands and him, separated by thin cloth.

"Was this yours?" Kusuo countered, shifting from the discomfort of my touch. He implied I wanted this. I would never care to be in such close proximity to him, I thought. And yet, there was something intoxicating about this touch. I could feel his heartbeat quicken, too, with a slight humming noise. I wondered where it could be coming from. Afraid of the answer, I dragged my hands off of him. My cheeks reddened as I felt my fingertips graze his stomach.

I thought he let out a breath. Maybe a small noise. It might have even been my imagination. Suddenly something fell- probably from his shifting. On instinct, I slid down the wall to pick it up. Unfortunately, I was now met with Saiki's lower half.

"What are you doing?" he demanded, a slight trace of shock lacing his tone.

"I-I was getting it..."

More time passed. Despite the buzzing of the halls, it seemed to be all drowned out within current circumstances. I tried not to look up. My body was heating up from humiliation, and I knew he could sense it. I also felt warmth radiate from him. Once again, tremors rippled through my body. I was about to explode.

invisible// saiki kusuo ffWhere stories live. Discover now